5.The Reason

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James P.o.v

We've standing in marketplace for 30 minutes. I'm thinking that Bella doesn't need anything because she standing next for a while. "Do need anything while were still here" She looks at me I trying push her to finish. I'm not. She turns back around to go to a table and buy some vegetables I see her write something on piece of parchment. "Here can you get the rest of these supplies for me?" I nodded, "what are you going to do?" "I have an errand to run, it's okay, I'll be fine. I'll be back before you know it." She gives me the vegetables she was carrying. "I will be okay." That how I knew that something.

Bella P.o.v

I feel guilty having to lie every time I leave, I just don't want him follow me. Besides I can handle this by myself. I don't need a man to make myself look more powerful, I'll be fine facing Bradley but when we came face to face I wish we meet. "NO!!" "You're lying, you're lying." I say panicked. "Do you really think I would lie about look at you finger." I looked at finger on the right hand and wouldn't believe what was on it... It's a ring. What Bradley was talking about that my life is linked to his. "So if hurt myself I'm hurting you." He took a knife and stabbed his leg and my left leg started to bleed. "Okay, so you're planning on killing, I don't know I think your just scared to face because I'm more powerful than last time. Oh, and should know that heal quickly." "WHAT!!!" Bradley says angrily. "I know right, I noticed it when you stabbed me." I say in voice bragging. "So do really you fight me?" "So what you still have the ring. Bradley said trying finding way to kill me. "Should I've told you not very effective. Opps." I see his face he looks mad. "My turn to ask a question, how are still alive? I saw you go into the black hole." He pointed to ring. "That how, if you were alive and I knew that I was going to survive. I think it's time end this. "MOONLIGHT BLADE!!!" I took my awesome blade and stabbed Bradley. "You did it you defeated me now I can rest in peace." "You sure because it could be trick. I say with concern. "No, I mean it." I take deep breath and blow out. I did it. You guys have to defeat my guild now. So it's over yet." "You're not making this easy." I say with my head pointing downward. As I watch Bradley fade away, I hear footsteps walking in my direction. I turn around it's James. "Hey, are Bella?" My blades disappears quickly when James take my hands. "Yeah I'm fine, you sure you're okay?" He gets closer to me. What's going on? What's wrong with him? When I turned back see that Bradley is really gone for good. Phew. I sighed and smiled.

James P.o.v

I don't know if she brave or reckless. "Don't be so reckless." "Sorry, I know, I should've told you..." I grabbed her and didn't let go. "Hey, you okay?" She asked. "You dummy, what were you thinking?" Tears starting falling. "Well I buffing, I had to make him think that I had no weakness so I could finish him but his guild isn't." "So we all have to defeat that guild then you'll get get home?" I see her shrug her shoulders. "Maybe?" By the way, how you find me. Or were you stalking me? " I nodded. "It was for a good reason." "So you don't trust me to do anything by myself?" I kept mouth shut so I don't her feeling. Thanks, but I can handle myself I don't need a bodyguard. She hugged back. I mean it thank you Firestar." She says. " You don't formal call me James I feel myself getting hot. I see her smile and I blush.

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