21. The Dark Wizard Part 1

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James P.o.v

As Bella and Lucy go to the market I spend sometime with the guys. Natsu grabbed my arm. "Aren't you two dating?" I look down and groan. "Yes but Lucy took my date so I spending time with you guys for today. I took a deep breath. "So are you guys doing?" Natsu takes my head and brings me closer to where everyone else is. "You guys got the plan?" They all nod leaving me confused. I walked up to Nastsu, "where are going?" I say looking at him with worry and curiosity. "Nastsu let's just tell him I mean there no reason to secret, Gray says  impatiently. "YOU FIRE HEAD, JUST TELL HIM!!! Gray yells at him. "Fine." I'm finally get know everyone was planning. So you Bella was taken by Lucy right. Oh really, I thought she was taken by some big monster. Ya, she be sometimes. "We here to help you find something nice to wear for your first official date. I look my clothes. "What's wrong with what I'm wearing now. I wearing a orange T-shirt with brown shorts. "What are trying to say that you came from a volcano?"  Gray says in moody way.  I nod. "Oh, well we don't have to show it." We all walk into a mall and then they push me into a changing room and then they start throwing clothes inside and see a orange tuxedo with brown pants and put on and look in the mirror. Then walked out the room to show everyone and they clapped hope that means that like it. "Perfect, as long you wear that for your date it should go well." Gray says calmly. I smile thinking of Bella's outfit. As we walk out of the mall I feel a shadow follow but it's not friendly after ten steps we all turn around and attack the presence but it disappeared without a trace.

Bella P.o.v

Lucy and I having shopping together for a while now until she looked at with smile. "So are you ready to go to mall?" I looked at her with a strange look on my face. "Really the mall? Don't you think we have enough stuff to carry around?" She shakes her as walked to mall I was still confused of what was going on. "Lucy just tell what's going, I promise I won't get angry." Lucy at me and takes a deep. "Well unless you're setting something up for me like a date or something like that." "Nevermind then." Lucy keeps in the dark until we start looking for clothes. I find the most beautiful dress in the mall. It has sliver stars at the top and a sliver crest moon at the top left of dress. It also has a night look back around I went to try it on and it was the perfect size. "You are planning a date for me and James aren't?" Lucy nodded.  As I sighed I went to go try the dress on. I walked out of dressing room and went to  show Lucy and she had a big smile on her face. "That's perfect. Okay now we have pay for it. While Lucy takes her wallet out I feel a dark presence and as I turn I see a purple cloak but  I couldn't see their face. "Here you are have a nice day." The sales woman gave us the dress then as walked I started to walk faster every time I start sensing the dark presence and then before I knew it I started running. Lucy grabbed my hand and we started running together. Once we got to train station the person with cloak was standing in line as well. "Lucy we have to get board on the same train." (Yeah we do I just this person is going to do something bad.) Lucy nodded in agreement. (We won't be coming back to the guild for a while. Sorry you guys.)

James P.o.v

"What do mean their not coming back yet!!!" Natsu says worried. "They said they have to do something at train station." Gray says with a calm voice. "Do you know if the girls are in trouble. I ask with a worry look on my face. Gray shook his head. That when I bulted down to the out to the train station but when I got there I could a dark presence coming from one of the trains. I looked around then spotted them, Lucy and Bella. I walked towards them. "Hey, you two what are still doing here. I whispered. Bella and Lucy turn to meet my face. "We're tracking the person in the purple cloak." Belle says quietly. "So yeah, that's the reason we haven't returned yet." Lucy stands up. Yeah but unfortunately the train is already leaving." We all see the train door close. Then right after Bella starts screaming in pain. Then she passes out from all the pain. "Hey, Bella wake-up, hey are you okay?" Lucy asks scared. "Hey, James she's not waking up. Lucy says more terrified then before. "We should head back to guild hall and see if the master can help. When we got back to guild hall. "It to me that the mysterious person somehow zapped Bella's power right out of her. The master says. Everyone gasped. "Yes, but Bella won't  wake up for while." Then we all see Bella move. "No, I'm okay, promise." She says weakly. Her face is pale and she looks very weak. Before I knew it my hand knocked Bella out.


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