Pt11 Sweater Weather

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it's really earlier in the morning and ur bedroom door kncoks payton shoutes "go away were sleeping" they come in anway u look up and see anthony "oh great u" u look at his leg "and of course ur cast is off" he smiles u say "its like 8 in the morning so bye" pyatons says "yh bye" u laugh u close ur eyes and an hour later wake up to holding anthonys hand u get confsued then see him sleeping on the floor "dork" he opnes hsi eyes "may i" u rolls ur eyes "fine" he smiles and gets in the bed with u, u move to the edge he holds ur hand u say "see u do love me" he says " and u love me"u open ur eyes and face him u both staring at each other then u say "goodnight anthony" he said " its 9 am" u say "exactly I should be asleep" he smiles and u close ur eyes, he moves a piece of hair from u face while holding ur hand still. ur alarm goes off and Anthony switches it off u say "I'm not waking up" he said "that's why I switched it off" u put u head on his chest and hug him he says "what's this for" u said "just enjoy it before I wake up" he laughs and start playing with u hair. u fianlly wake up and see anthony sleeping he groaned "u got tosleep now let me" u said "i still have to get up tho" he let u go u smiled and went into the bathroom and got ready ,u walked out and tried making a video to post on ur story, but then anthony pulled ur arm and kissed u, u pulled away smiling he said "thanks for the wake up call" u laughed "dork" he said "but im ur dork" u smile then u remeber u were filming u posted it anthoyn got up and said "so u dont have to babysite me anymore so do i have still hve to hold up the end of my deal" u said " ic ould push u down the stairs" he smiles he gets up and ure both stand i front of each staring into hsi eyes he puts his hand on ur waist and smirks "maybe we dont have to pretend" u say "what happened to being just friends" he said " i think we moved past that point after u asked me to be ur fake boyfriend" u smile "but theres only one day of tour left" he said "im anthony reeves and if ur the girl i want ur the girl im going to get wether that means i have to travel the world for u" u say "bold"he says "yet ur falling for me even more" he says "so we still plaing pretend" u put ur hands on his and move them off ur waist "we will see" u wink at him and grab ur phoen and walk off. u go downstairs and avani says "i saw ur snap story ur finally doing real realtionship things" signa says " its casue he got his cast off" the both smiled at u u said "whatever"anthony came down and wrapped his arms around ur waist and kissed ur cheek avani squeled " i freaking lvoe daisy not being single"u said "chill" aden camde down and saw u guys he gave a slight smile "um mads said she wants to meet us at the airport" u said "right ur girlfriend" he said "not my girlfriend yet" u say "yh yh " avani said " so jaden have u seen daisy post" u widened ur eyes he looked ta u "no on what" she said "snap" he said " I dont use snap " avani says "let me show u" u roll ur eys u go on ur phone and delet the video she pulls up her phone "oh somoen deleted it" he said "what was it" sigan said "she was trying to take a video then anthony kissed her no big deal" u said "thank u" he said "Oh ok" avani says "u dont care" u said "why u trying to start soemthing" she says "im not i just think jaden should know" u said "what that i iss my boyfriend i think thats what normal ppl do" u walk into the kitchen and grab a bottle of water

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