pt 16 Feeling Whiteny

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I hadn't spoken to Anthony since that day I hadn't called my father back either, everyoen tried asking what happened it's was pretty annoying everyoen asking if ur okay every two seconds os I jsut told everyone the truth that we were pretend dating but ofc avani could see through that.

Today was graduation day and I was sitting down in-between Tommy and avani they were both holding my hands, "thank u everyone for coming to celebrate this yrs graduates, may I now present our valedictorian daisy hossler"  principal Manston announcers.

Everyone starts cheering right I kinda forgot I had to right a speech avani shook my hand I look at her and stand up walking towards the stage he walks away I stand infront of the mic.

"hi" I say chuckling awkwardly "atlot has happened in the past month not jsut for me but everyone, prom was fucking perfect, sorry, but it was most of us may of been of hoping to get prom King or Queen but either way it was the gretaist time of my life and now today we're graduating and I probably making this moment longer bc I'm giving this horrible speech" I pause as everyone chuckles "when we were all kids we only cared who was the fastest who was tallest, but going into high school u realise things aren't like high school musical or any film for that matter boys have their sistuam where they try and sleep with everyoen to feel like something and girls cake their face up to be soemthing we all have our ups and downs I get it trust me I do but we all stuck together so I don't care if u ahte someone  u probably the reason that eprosn woke up in the morning so I hope we all keep in touch looking back at the memories and the horrible yearbook quote we're peobabaly going to write, you all have bright futures I want to hear about" I pause "CLASS OF 2020 EVERYBODY" I shout everyone clapps as I walk off stage going back over to avani and Tommy.

He starts calling ppl up saying their college names "daisy hossler, new York City University" he announces I stand up going over tto the stage he shakes my hand, passing me my diploma he flips me tassel to the other side and I walked abck to my seat.

Once everyone went up the prinicpla shouts "MAY I PRESENT THE CLASS OF 2020 GRADUATES" everyone stood up and threw their caps in their air and we all started clapping everyoen started dhugging each other avani husg me "i love u d" she says I smile "I love u too a"

As we were walking out I get stopped by a guy atleats in his 30s maybe early 40s similar features to me and jade- oh shit this was my dad "dad?" I question he smiles I immedinatly hug him I need a parent right know.

We all went home and had a little party jaden wasn't ever pleased my dad was back I couldn't care less, we went through all our old pictures laughing and having fun, I went to go grba anthoher drink from the kitchen  then the front door opens, I look up and see Anthony.

We both just stare at each other he puts his hand out which had soemthing in it I walked over and took it off him "happy graduation" he says walking back out.

I go up to my room to open it and see pictures of us, I see a piece of paper and start reading it.

'love is apaprantly soemthing every human needs to survive ofc it has neevr been scientifically proven some thing love is jsut a hormone we name to look forward to soemthing in live but after meeting u I realise maybe science isn't always right, I never once said sorry and I'm not going to bc everything happens for a reason right, I mean look at u know, wehter this thing ruins us or makes u hate me less who knows, ur brother told me I was a lucky guy bc guys would give u the msot attention but u didn't care bc all u wanted was someone to believe in u and then I came along so I understand u need time and however long that is I will always be here and I mean that, u asked me two questions while on tour one was do I consider u my girlfriend but the reason I neevr answered is bc u mean more to me then any dumb label, and the other was who do I love the most in this world and I guess u already know the answer now but if u don't it's u every since that live so I guess we have something to thank aavni for'

I smile slightly as my door opens my bed dips as the person sits down I look to my side and see my dad "what's that" he asks "i- idk something I needed" I say "u went to get ice cream okay" he says I look at him and my smile grows ten times wider I hug him "im glad ur back" he grabs soemthing from hsi pocket "look u dropped thsi" I see a picec of pape with writing on i take it and it has a address on.

I step out of my uber walking towards the destination which was a complete empty beach it had the most perfect view tho, I sit down watching the water mix up the sand SOMEOEN coems and sits beside me I assume its Anthony, neither of us tlak then I interlock our hands he looks at me as I look back at him.

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