"The Royal Family"

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Guys..I Struggled making this part, but I did my best to make it better.

By the way, "THANK YOU FOR 188 READS"
I'm a new Author and this story is my first book..


The sun was setting down and Spirits are starting to arrive at the bath house. Inspite of hard working employee that the bath house have,they still can't handdle the huge amount of customer with a loyal time.Everybody was busy and having a limmited time of break create a vast complaints against Yubaba.Even its out of her will,she's been forced to hire some new workers for the bath house.Chihiro did a great job as always with her partner Lin and the both of them made the bath house to earn so much money.

She can't set away her thoughts about Haku, who's not let her to stay and live in the spirit world for the rest of her life.Pain and madness was been mixed to her.

"He's just protecting you."Lin handed a dumplings to Chihiro and she gracefully accept it

"I'm staying here. He like it or not.'' she stared at the floor

"But Chihiro,Haku is a powerful god now.No..a very powerful water god.He's one of the most powerful spirit in this realm and he can conrol all of us if he wanted even Yubaba I think.He can transport you to the tunnel if he needed." this time Lin was in her serious tone for Chihiro to make her understand the situation

"I don't care Lin.Powerful or not,I'm staying."

"I don't even like you to leave Chihiro,we didn't see each other for almost six years.You're a sister to me you know that." Lin touched Chihiro's shoulder. Chihiro looked at her

"Me too. Help me Lin to convince him." Lin nodded

"I'll do my best."

It was nearly afternoon before Haku landed on the swamp bottom. He flew about five hours in his travel. He fix himself before knocking the door of a small coutage.

No Face bow his head greeting the great dragon, Zeniba approach them.

"Haku. What brought you here." Zeniba started

"I have some questions Zeniba, and informing you that Chihiro was here." Haku walked in the coutage and sit on a wooden chair and rested his hands on the table. No Face make a two cups of tea and slices of cake to the both of them.

"I know. I feel the border went open and her pressence as well." Zeniba took a zip in her tea

"How did that heppened. The gate must be close for a decade. I was wondering if there's a strong spirit who make the gate opened and Chihiro just come along in coincidence?" Haku's emerald eyes was full of concentration waiting for the witch's answer.

"It can be possible. Have you heard the Royal Family Haku?" Zeniba grinned

His expression turned to curiosity and thinking about what Zeniba said.
"No. But I've heard that they don't exist now. They all died in a war between powerful spirits to powerful spirits, and the one group was the Royal Family isn't it."

Zeniba nodded."But there still one left."

Haku remain silent waiting for Zeniba to continue."Thousand years ago, the Lord and the Lady have thier first child. I was one of the maid in the palace that time, they were so happy having thier first baby. But then....a warning from the devil spirits arrive at the palace. They wanted a war to prove who among the two groups is the most powerful." Zeniba stops and looked at Haku

"And then. What happened?" Haku blinked his eyes once

"They planned to fight. Of course the Lady and the Lord have thier fear whatever the result. And the Lord told the Lady to stay and hide and keep thier child's safety. I was listening to them. The war started the Lord was lossing his army and the Lady can't endure watching her husband. She called the most trusted soldier of the palace and she command to bring the baby to the human world." Zeniba put down the empty cup.

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