3. The question

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{(Y/N) POV}

Tsuki has been avoiding me after the hug I gave him once we got to the gym.
I think he's embarrassed...I thought with a mental giggle. He's so adorable~

{Tsukishima's POV}

I want to look at her, she's so fricken adorable! But—I can't! If I do...everyone will start talking and think she's my girlfriend.

"Hey Tsuki! You're back! Is (L/N) ok?" I hear Yamaguchi ask.

"She's fine." I state the obvious.

Yamaguchi smiled brightly, relieved she was ok.

"I'm fine too, if it's any of your concern."

Yamaguchi just gave me a curious look.

"What?" I ask.

"Are you sure you're ok Tsuki?"

"I said I'm fine."

"Then why'd you say you were fine when I was asking (L/N)? She was the injured one. So why did you feel the need to tell me you were ok too?" Yamaguchi asked me, still looking concerned.

I just walked away.

I don't want to tell him...he'll get all sparkly and loud.

{Yamaguchi's POV}

I asked Tsuki why he suddenly told me that he was ok, but all he did was walk away.

Is he really ok? I wondered. I'll still ask him if he likes (Y/N), don't forget Tadashi!

{(Y/N) POV}

"Where's he going?" I asked Yamaguchi, "I don't know, he didn't even answer my question...I think—I think somethings bothering him, I'll ask him on our way home though." He answered.

—> Time skip <—

Finally everyone parted ways to go home, it was really late.

Without Tsuki and Yama knowing, I just followed them...where else was I supposed to go?

{Yamaguchi's POV}

Ok...time to ask him.

"Uh-um...Ts-Tsuki..?" I stutter out a bit. "What is it?" He replied flatly.
"D-do...do you like (L/N)?—please don't get angry with me!" I shielded my face from his gaze in case he glared at me.

I hope he doesn't avoid me tomorrow because of this...

"I..." I heard Tsuki let out.

"You what? What is it Tsuki?" I asked, eager to find out.

"I....yes." Answered Tsuki.
"I like her...t-too much," he looked away while his cheeks became a light pink.

"Hahhh?" I strange shocked and amazed sound came out my mouth.
"Tsuki that's amazing!" I shouted at him with a really bright smile.

"You should tell her!" I told him.

"No way," Tsuki said, in his usual flat blunt tone. "Why not!?" I asked him.
"Because..." he said, "I don't have to."
With that he turned around and said, "Right, (L/N)?" He smirked his playful smirk.

{(Y/N) POV}

I kept following them, but they hit a sudden stop. So I hid behind the closest thing I could find.

A lamppost.

I'm such an idiot!

I can hear them talking, since I have good hearing. This is where my so-called mutation comes in handy...though sometimes I hate it.

Music to my ears||Kei Tsukishima x neko readerWhere stories live. Discover now