4. A familiar face

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I am so sorry guys for the late update on this chapter ;;-;;
And I apologize if it may be short  -w-; I've just been busy lately—sometimes lazy—but whatever! *^* I shall continue this story!!!
{Tsukishima's POV}

"THAT'S A WONDERFUL IDEA!!" My mother exclaims gleefully loud.
"I always dreamed of having a little girl—and did you say she was half cat?" She asked, "—A neko, mother, to be specific—"
"EVEN BETTER!!" She shouted once more, completely over talking my big brother.

As other kept babbling on, I saw my brother giving me an odd look.
"What do you want, Akiteru?" I ask him.
"Oh it's nothing~" he waved his hand, as if to gesture its unimportance.
"Then quit giving me that look—"


Did he just get serious with me!? He's using his stern voice.
I slight shiver went up my spine. So little that Tadashi wouldn't be able to notice it. I just gave him a look, letting him know he's got my attention.

"You remember right?" He asks.

WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT!? I thought frantically.
It seems I must've had a look on my face, because when my attention snapped back I noticed my brother sighing.

"So you don't remember after all," he said. "Mother, if you don't mind, Kei and I are going to have a little brother time."
"Oh sure! You two go right ahead," she replied.

And with that, he took me outside.

{(Y/N)'s POV}

Whe....wh-where am..I?... My brain felt hazy as I opened my eyes, looking at my surroundings.
Tsu...Tsuki- "Tsuki?~" I say as I'm slowly waking up. When I got no response, my heart beat slowly started to pick up its pace. Where could he be? Did something happen? Has he—

"(Y/N)?" I hear a voice say.

"You're awake I see," they said, stepping closer.
Once this person came into view, my eyes widened.

The lady gives a little grin, "It's been a while...(Y/N)."
Again I'm sorry this was such a short chapter!! Chapter 5 will surely be longer I promise!! *^*
Thanks y'all so much for all the reads and votes!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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