rose petals part 2

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keith kissed lance as lance held keith's waist. keith grabbed lance's wrists and held them above his head. a CLICK was heard. lance looked up and saw his hands cuffed. lance grinned. keith pulled his pants down with his teeth. lance blushed as he looked into his lover's eyes. suddenly the lion was hit by something and it flipped over. "ahhh" they both screamed as keith crashed into the roof as lance hung by his wrists, lettings his pants fall to the floor.

keith groaned as he rubbed his head. "what the hell was that" he asked as lance looked down at him. rose petals floated down as he looked at him. keith met his eyes then looked at the position lance was in. "now that's kinky" he said as he slowly got up and uncuffed lance. lance fell to the floor with a THUD. keith cuddled lance as they laid on the lion's roof together. lance started to put his pants back on as keith lifted his hand shaking it and said "ew". "what" lance asked zipping his pants up.

"there's water or something over here" keith said as he showed lance his hand. lance felt something wet on his butt. he got up and looked at the floor. water was slowly pouring in. "water? there is no water near the house" keith said confused. lance ran to the lion's mouth and saw it partly cracked and water was rushing in and chipping it. the lion was fake. lance ripped a chunk off as it looked like dirt. "keith I know why the lion wouldn't open" lance yelled. "why" keith asked rushing over to him. "they made a fake lion out of dirt" lance said. "then we have only a few minutes to get out. the way the water is rushing in means were under a few yards of water" keith said as lance grabbed duck tap and tried to tape the holes closed. but with every hole he taped another four were made. he knew only one of them would get out as he made a tiny air bag.

water was up to there chests as it was rising fast. lance walked over to keith as they hugged each other. "I love you" lance said as he gave keith the bag and grabbed him buy the shirt. he then dragged him to the wall and began to dig. "keith no we go together or not at all" lance said. "you grew up with no parents. be there for them keith. this bag will only hold enough air for one of us" lance said as he kissed keith. "I say will you marry me" keith sang as lance put his hand on keith's cheek. "oh how many girls can make me feel like this. oh your the love of my life" lance sang back as he kissed keith one last time. after the hole was big enough he shoved keith threw. water rushed in as keith began to swim. wanting to turn back every second.

lance swam to the roof and breathed as much air as he could before taking a deep breath and he held it. keith reached the surface as he took a deep breath and filled the bag up with air. he then dived down to lance and handed him the bag. lance smiled as he took the bag and they both started swimming. sharing the air they both needed they swam fast. once out of air they both started to lose ground. they sank faster than they could swim. lance became limp as he gasped for air. keith grabbed his hand and swam faster than he knew he could. almost reaching the surface he began to become limp himself.

 almost reaching the surface he began to become limp himself

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