Chapter 18

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Martinets pont of view

"Bugaboo" chat said looking deep in to my eyes

I could dive in to those eyes. I love him more than words could describe I've always loved him but now I'm scared I could lose him all because I decided to chase a boy that only thought of me as his friend

"yes chat" i said my eyes gazing in to his. I can't act this way in front of him he could possibly find out my identity. As much as I love him it to early and dangerous. It was bad enough that he was with me the other night.

He looked down at my hands and then looked away. "I need your advice" he said something wasn't right why could he look at me.

I looked away from him over to the setting sun.

"what is it" I ask my Hart pounding out my chest he never needed my advice

"there's this girl I like, her name is Marrinet I know I shouldn't tell you her name but I thought it may be better if you know, anyway I think I may love her but I don't think I will be able to stay that way..."

"why" I asked trying not to show my emotion and holding my tears in

"Well she likes this other guy and I've only just found out about it. I don't think I can stand I have to the way of love my lady"

Dose he know about Adrian and how I loved him did he see all the photos in my room and find out about my little okay maybe massive crush on him. I have to think of something to tell him.

"well what do you think she should do chat?" I asked

He turned and looked at me "I think she should chose for herself my lady"

His eyes welling up with tear

"what do you mean by that chat" I said choking down my tears

"you know what I mean ladybug she should chose the man she loved all along"

"your right chat maybe it's about time she came out she has always really been in love with Adrian if I'm telling the truth" I said he was right how could I love chat he was just a friend my Hart only ever really belonged to Adrian

"ADRIAN!" I he blurted out "y... she loves Adrian not luka"

"of course she loves Adrian but if I'm honest I'm not sure if the feeling is fading she was picked on in her class today and no one stood up for her not even are Queen bee" I spoke sadly

"oh but lady bug he did he got up and spoke his mind when you ran out I was lucky he did or eles they would of had a visit from the me" he quickly got to his feet "thank you ladybug thank you so much I better go now bye my lady" he said before rushing away

For a chat that just got his Hart crushed he seemed very happy and what was that about luka well never mind he was right I do love Adrian what was I thinking but it's about time I was to tell him.

And that's when I made up my mind I will ask Adrian at the school dance and I will Start eating properly and stop hurting myself. As long as Adrian like me as a friend or more I will try and stay as positive as possible.

A twist in A tail (a miraculous ladybug and cat noir fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now