miss café:p1

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"miss daeun... I'm sorry to tell you this but you have a brain cancer just like your late mother"... said the doctor bring tears to the girl who is only 22 years old. before she leave she said thank you to the doctor.

[time skip] °°at home°°

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[time skip]
°°at home°°

[time skip] °°at home°°

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"I'm home! appa?!".

yell the girl calling for her 60 years old father. "I'm here, daeun". reply her appa from the store room.

"appa, what are you doing here? I told you to rest

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"appa, what are you doing here? I told you to rest. you are easy to feel tired and you are not strong as always". said daeun worry. she bring him to their living room which is only fit for three or five people..

 since her mother died, she just live with her appa in that small apartment that located at Seoul

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since her mother died, she just live with her appa in that small apartment that located at Seoul.

"hey even though I am 60 years old, i still can do any works... how's your work today, darling?". her appa ask while adjusting his position on the couch. daeun look at her father faking a smile. "today work is doing just right as I planned, appa. what did you eat today?". she ask him changing the topic.

"I just eat two pieces of bread and a milk from the fridge. daeun, when do you want to find a partner for your life? I don't know until when I will be with you. what if I die and-". she put her little finger on his lips.

"appa, until my last breath I think there's nobody want me because-". her words stop there wanting to keep it as a secret but he is her father. "because of what, sweetie? ".

"because I have the same disease as eomma, appa". that's it she can't hold it anymore. she let all out in front of her father.

he was speechless and mouth wide open. "y-you not kidding me right?". her appa ask to make sure. "i-i am sure, appa. I just got back from the hospital and doctor said the same thing".

her father as well let the tears flow on his cheeks without bothering to wipe it away.

"but I promise you, a-appa. I will take care of you until the day I die. I promise you that and I won't find a husband for myself because its already enough to have you".

daeun said bring her appa into her embrace.

[end of part 1]

[p/s:dear readers, please vote😂 and suggest me a story line if you would like to]

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