miss café:part 9

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"are you okay? here have a sip".

said jhope lend me a glass of warm water. "thank you. just ignore him. the reason why he came is not me".

jhope furrown his brows. I look at him smiling. "first and foremost he came for bought a drink but then he saw me and he pretend he look after me. as you can see, his hand doesn't hold anything such warrant like he told you. don't worry, jhope. your café will safe if I am still here".

he smiles make me smile too. instead of jhope, he told me before, people called him hobi too because when he smiled, people around him smiled as well.

"you such a brave though, daeun. thanks for helping me. let's go home. we need to pack your things".

I look at the clock on the wall. it still early in the morning. is he kidding me? "ahm~jhope. it still early in the morning and not even a single customer come yet except that mingyu".

he look at me and smile again. this man never stop smiling make everyone love him so much. "well, that's okay. we need yo clean up your house first. let's go".

he pull me out of the café and luckily I get to grab my backpack before we out.

[at daeun apartment]
"wait? the door is open".

both of us run towards the door and saw everything were in mess. my belongings all over the floor same goes with appa's.

"finally, you home. who is that? your slave? you such a hypocrite. bring a man to the house without having a relationship is disgusting! where is your dignity, slut?! you make woman like a cheaper things to man!".

her words make my anger boiling. I'm not that bad. before I could speak, jhope interrupt me. "excuse me, ma'am. she is my wife and you don't have any right to accuse her as a slut or what! what about you? I could see that you love sex aren't you? take this money and we leave".

jhope throw amount of money on her face and he pick everything that is heavy while me still standing there thinking about her words just now. "daeun, let's go. ignore this dirty woman and this dirty house. I could smell strong sins in this house. kkaja".

I take appa things and mine then we walk out from there.

[in the car on the way to jhope's house]
"don't think about it. she just cray about money. you are not a slit. your are a kindest person ever, okay? look at me. just get rid of from that".

I nod slowly that only me could see it I guess.

[jhope's house]

"have a rest. I will wake you up to have lunch".

jhope says while put in my belongings into the other room. "jhope? thanks for this. without you-".

jhope put his finger on my lips make me stop speak. "shhh, it's nothing big at all. rest and I will wake you up okay? go".

I can't go like that. "let me help you. I need to pack my things by the way".

we look into each other eyes and I smile shyly. "just rest. you almost fell during the fight or do you want me to lift you up?". he threatening me. I look at him. "I won't go, jhope. it's my things and I can't let you keep it".

jhope pull my wrist and lift me up bridal style. "jhope, put me down! ". I kicking around to make him stop. "stop kicking around or both of us will fall down this stairs. If I said it, I mean it".

after we reach the room he put me down on the bed and leave me there without saying any words.


I said before I shut my eyes.

[end of daeun pov]

[end of part 9]

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