Ch 23: Game on!

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Acnologia POV

The breeze from the darkening skies running over my scales soothed the stress. It was too much. My own son left me for humans. It's just another reason to hate and destroy their kind. I soared above the clouds the vapor tickling my underbelly. The dragons behind me were following close behind me. It was time to teach that runaway brat a lesson.

Natsu POV

People running everywhere trying to get into the fireproof shelters underground. Guild members loading catapult to take down the dragons that are in the sky. Others directing the civilians still outside. I lifted one of the boulders up into the catapult, but nearly dropped it. Thankfully it rolled in, but I dropped to my knees. I felt someone at my side. I think it was Wendy, but I wasn't paying to much attention. The overwhelming sent of death flooded my nostrils. No one else noticed though, but I could smell it all too clearly. He's coming, no, he's here.

"Are you alright NatSU!?" Wendy's small voice escalated three octaves as right there my marks went red and the familiar smoke started to surround me as I quickly morphed into the all too terrifying form, my dragon. I nearly crushed the catapult as I did though. I looked down at Wendy. She was covering her nose. She finally smelled it too. The others, the Dragonslayers, should have all caught the sent by now. Wendy uncovered her nose and looked up at me. She understood perfectly.

If I roar to tell them the dragons approaching above will know that we know and they might move quicker. Besides, that won't work with my plan. I looked back towards the guild. Luce was standing in the door way. In the Heartfilia armor with the sword. The same sword that killed me and my mother. I shivered at the mere sight of it. It doesn't matter how many times she tries to throw it away. She will never lose it till she dies.

Look at the image above. The one on the left is Lucy's family armor. I showed the swords in a previous chapter. Idk which. The one on the right belonged to Natsu's mother and now was given to Erza which is her Chaos queen armor. It's tougher then it looks. Thank you!

I felt the presence getting closer. I carefully unfolded my wings to which I saw a lot of my guildmates hold onto something. Smart. I waited till I saw the shadow of the approaching dragons above the clouds and the lead was him. My father is here.

Acnologia's POV

We're here. Not everyone came with the Air Force. I have tunnelers out to the east and changelings on the west as well as water dragons out to the south flooding the area. The others were catching up to me since I flew at a lot faster pace. "Come on!"

A sudden whooshing sound made me whip my head around. I saw him, Natsu he pulled above the clouds in full dragon form. 'Since when was he this big! Well no matter he's still not as big as I am.' Then a sudden pain on my neck pulled me back to reality. My vision blurred and it was followed by immense pain and pressure which got worse by the second. I looked sideways and saw Natsu, I think? He was blurry to and the pain wouldn't allow me to focus.

My vision cleared up as I came to the realization that he had a crushing bite hold on my neck. I whipped my tail around and jabbed it into his side. I made sure it at least slashed him. He let go and backed off, keeping his white, beady, angry eyes on me with every move I made. I swished my now bloodstained tail around signaling for the others to go. He's all mine.

Natsu POV

The surprise was too easy. He left his neck wide open when he turned his head. The slash he gave me didn't go very deep so I wasn't worried about it. He seemed to be smiling. It was hard to tell when he's in dragon form. "You know things would have been much easier if you had just come home." I stayed silent but rammed into him head to head, claws interlocked. He's still very strong. He isn't really trying. I just have to be careful not to do to much damage far down into the ground.

I rushed at him lighting my claws on fire, but he dodged quickly. Too quickly, and smacked me hard with his tail. I felt so dizzy. I smashed into the ground head first. The pain wasn't to terrible. The wound on my side had healed cleanly, but the flesh was still torn a little deeper down so it was a bit painful.

He rushed down out of the sky and landed on the ground with a huge thud. The ground broke underneath him. The sheer strength and power he possess can be shown in the smallest of things. Plus dragons weigh several tons. "You know I admit," the smoke started to clear to reveal my father sitting down like nothings wrong. It angered me to see that cocky smile on his scaly, cold face.

I just let out a blood curdling roar which was so strong it blew over quiet a lot of debris that he blocked with his wing. I charged up a breath attack, but he flew upwards in just the right amount of time. The blast hit the forest beyond. You saw the blast hit before you saw the explosion then heard it seconds after. That might have cut through him if he hadn't moved!

Then again who's just going to just sit there and let themselves be killed. Definitely not my father.

"Good Shot, You're getting stronger," he turned and before I knew it he was in my face. I didn't even see him move! "but not strong enough." With that he sent me rolling across the ground into a building on the outskirts of what was left of town. I felt a small bit of my power leak away at that moment. A feeling that is worthy of giving it all to win against it. I smiled I haven't had a good fight in a while.

I staggered to my feet. He looked at me now landing back on the ground with a disappointed look on his face. I took my scaly paw and wiped off the small amount of blood on my cheek, chuckling to myself. This seemed to anger him a little as he now had a frown on his face. "Ya know what father?" I said stretching my wings out fully before retracting them, but keeping them open a little. I dug my claws into the dirt and my body lit up in the red black flames I knew so well. "I think I might just enjoy this." I popped my neck jolting it one side to the other before giving him a grin. "Game on!"

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