Chapter 2

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I found my love for pirating when a father (I can’t remember which) had a ship full of goods.  That morning the sea was covered by an unnatural fog. The ship that father had owned had been tiny, being just shy of 40 feet. You couldn’t even stand on one end of the boat and see the other end. Suddenly, silently, a ship with black sails came out of the gloom and attacked us. Her name: The Black Pearl. Her captain: none other than the infamous Jack Sparrow, just a year or two before he sailed to the Isla De Muerta, seeking cursed Aztec gold. That father was killed, and I was taken aboard Jack’s ship. I was about fourteen or fifteen when this happened. Eleven or so years have passed since.

I tell the maids to skip the corset for the dress. They protest, but they do it anyway. I believe it looks fine without it. (I’m skinny enough, for sure. Going without food for weeks can do that to a person) I come out of my room and catch Elizabeth tucking a gold medallion in her bodice. I see a glimpse of a golden skull before it is hidden from view. If that is what I think it is, I pray she doesn’t decide that she needs to go for a swim.

When I come downstairs I see none other than the dashing Will Turner, Elizabeth’s childhood friend, standing next to the piano. He and Elizabeth are talking. I can see instantly what William feels for her, but she seems oblivious to it. Will takes out the sword he made for James, and for the first time, I notice how skilled a blacksmith he is. The blade is folded steel, with gold filigree laid into the handle. It is not simply a sword for decoration of rank, but one that would be extremely deadly if in the right hands. It’s perfectly balanced, and it could carry a deadly razor edge for a long time of substantial use. Will is an amazing craftsman, a master of his art. Governor Swann was, however, ignorant to the fact that it was Will who made it, and not the drunkard-who-calls-himself-a-blacksmith Mr. Brown. I need a sword like that, just with fighting as its main purpose, and a couple of special, custom tweaks.  We bid Will a good day and leave for the ceremony.

The promotion is absolutely sweltering and mind-numbingly boring. Even being stuck in the doldrums is less hot and much more exciting. I talk with the new Commodore, congratulating him, but in reality, I dislike the way he views pirates as enemies. Actually, an alliance with pirates can be very beneficial and can make you much more powerful, especially if you have the backing of the whole Brethren Court. He eventually moves off to talk to Elizabeth. I am fairly sure that he is going to propose.  I glance at Elizabeth for a reaction for her to even notice this upcoming event, but the only thing I see her noticing is that she seems to be having difficulty breathing. I suspect the corset is to blame.

I see James lead her to a shallow wall near a small tower overlooking the sea. He proposes, (rather shyly and hesitantly, with many added stalling topics), glances away, while the corset wins the battle for air, and Elizabeth falls off the wall into the most rocky area of sea in Port Royal. “Of course.” I sigh. I spew a string of curses under my breath any pirate would be shocked to hear.

I run to the docks, where I see none other than Jack Sparrow laying her on the deck. He rips off her corset and she immediately starts breathing. He happens to glance up and I look at him quizzically. His face registers shock, surprise, and then a look that says “later” all in a split second. Classic Jack. I stepped back to let a bunch of Royal Navy men and the new commodore pass. I run off before Jack can start talking about me. If I know Jack, and, trust me, I know him well; he’ll use my pirating (with him) as an escape route from the gallows.

I felt the call of the medallion; saw its beacon thunder across the water when Elizabeth fell. I knew then the horrors that were coming for it. A sudden wind blew my hat off. Seeing as it didn’t do anything for me except make my head hurt, I left it skittering across the street. I start to run, not knowing quite where I am going, knowing I have to find a place where I am safe before they come. I had a hunch that hers was the last one.

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