Chapter 5

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I decide to run ahead past them so I can have them keep a closer eye on me, because these two just might totally forget me. I start running, but as I try to pass Ragetti, I trip over his leg, which happened to be right in my way. Did I mention that I can be super clumsy? I fall flat on my face and just sit there on the floor, startled, and then I start laughing my fool head off.  As Ragetti stares at me in astonishment, I look at him and go into a new wave of hysterical laughter. Pintel shoots me an annoyed look and moves off to find Elizabeth. “Well, so much for my brilliant plan.” I say aloud, hoping he’ll keep a closer eye on me. He shoots me a look, and then says,

   “I thought you said that you wouldn’t try to run away.”

   “I wasn’t trying to run away.”

Pintel comes back, dragging Elizabeth. “Found her hiding in a closet.” He says, and jerks his thumb behind him. I look at her pointedly. She nods only enough for me too see. She should be safe for now.

   We leave, are led to a boat, which is then rowed out to the Pearl. I am guarded by Ragetti (Thankfully (!?)) and Elizabeth is watched by Pintel. She doesn’t seem too happy with that arrangement and the whole boat ride she sits as far away from him as she could, which was basically sitting on only half his lap instead of all of it. I was in a worse situation than she was. I didn’t have any room to move off Ragetti’s lap, and trust me, that was better than being with Pintel.  We get to the Pearl and I am led onto the deck. I run my hand lightly along the banister and the Pearl sighs. Her sails flutter and the waves rise and crash forcefully against her barnacled hull. I remove my hand. “Interesting.” I mutter under my breath. That just might come in handy.  Barbossa comes down the steps and looks at Elizabeth. He doesn’t notice me yet, which is good. I’ll speak to him later more privately, without the whole crew listening. Only some of the crew will be listening.

   I am led off into the hold so I don’t hear the discussion between Barbossa and Elizabeth. I am put in the captain’s quarters and am told to wait. I wander aimlessly; pick up an apple and am about to bite into it when Elizabeth was shoved in the room, and then Twigg gestured for me to go with him.  He tells me that Barbossa wanted an audience with me, and that I wasn’t given the option to refuse. So, I went to Barbossa. He stands when I enter and gives a mock bow. “Ha ha, Barbossa, very funny.” I say with no mirth. “I know you’ve probably guessed why I am here. All I have to offer for my parley is merely my help on the ship and to aid you in getting rid of the curse.” He ponders this. “What do you want in return, Marina?” My eyes flash with anger. I glare at him. He knows I hate to be called by my real name; because there’s a name in it I’m not so happy to call mine.

“Maybe I’ll spare your life and you gain some special privileges, perhaps?”

“Somewhere along those lines.” I say vaguely. I finger my sword idly, and I am constantly on my guard. I don’t trust Barbossa one bit.

“How about some privacy? Can that be arranged?” I ask.

“Well, now. There’s a start. Just how private do you like it?”

“I want the loneliest place on the whole damn ship.”

 He tells me I’ll be staying with Elizabeth and dismisses me. I refuse the offer of an escort. Do they really think I need one? Barbossa obviously doesn’t know me. I know this ship better than I really know myself.

When I get back to Elizabeth, I ask, “Why did you call yourself “Tuner”?”

“I don’t know. It just came to me. One of the maids said that they were after the Governor’s daughter, and that’s me, so I said I was a maid in the Governor’s household, with the name Turner.”

“It’s interesting that you called yourself “Turner”. I would have thought that you would have called yourself “Norrington”” I joked. She scowled at me. I laughed.

“In all seriousness, though,” I continued, “I must admit it is a little strange to be calling yourself Turner, Elizabeth. I think there’s a reason why they haven’t killed you yet.”

  Later, after a bit of chatting with Elizabeth, Pintel enters with Ragetti. He’s holding a dress. He leers at me and then turns to speak to Elizabeth. He says,

  “Captain Barbossa requests that you dine with him and he requests you wear this. “

  “I am disinclined to acquiesce to his request.”

  “He said you might say that. The other option is that you’ll be dining with the crew, and you’ll be naked.”

I mutter “Really, Barbossa?”

She grabs the dress hastily and shoots Pintel a panicked look.  I’m not spoken to, so I’m not sure where I’ll be dining tonight.  I watch as Pintel leaves, but Ragetti stays behind. He turns to me and says; “You’re welcome to dine with us, with your clothes on, if you want…” he trails off uncertainly.  I let out a small giggle and say, “I might think about it, Ragetti, even though I’m probably going to dine with the captain instead. That means I won’t have my clothes ripped off my body while I eat.”

“Oh, all right.” He says miserably.

As he shuts the door, I say “Hey, don’t keep Barbossa waiting, Elizabeth. I’ll watch out for any Peeping Toms while you change, all right?”

  When she gets in her corner, I notice a little hole near there, looking straight at her. I silently indicate the eye, but then it disappears to be replaced by a wooden one. She grabs a nearby object; a wicked-looking awl, and I glance at it. It’s a long and pointy piece of metal, guaranteed to cause pain and create havoc. I give a “go ahead” gesture, waving my hand at the eye. She pokes it, it falls out, I hear a cry of dismay, and hear something rolling along the deck. I turn and say, “You can resume dressing now.” I hear rustling and a scuffle, then the deep voice of the Bo’ sun asking Ragetti if he would like his eye nailed in place. “No, thank you, sir.” replies the now soft and meek voice of Ragetti.

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