Chapter 2: The First Day

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"C'mon, Sol, we're gonna be late!"

Soleil was feeling incredibly groggy and slightly trepidatious. Couldn't she just skip and start school tomorrow?

"Soleil!" Selene jumped on top of her and began tickling her. Obviously, skipping school today would not be an option. She squealed and attempted to throw Selene off, but her body was still not fully cooperative.

"Ugh, Selene, get off of me!"Soleil yelled, laughing too hard to be taken seriously. Finally, Selene rolled off her sister and sat next to her on the bed.

"Come on, Sol, I wanna pick your outfit!"

Soleil, as much as she adored her little sister, really wished she could stare daggers into her heart right now. How could someone be so bright and chipper this early in the morning? She groaned and sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Selene had already moved to her sister's closet, digging through the boxes labeled "Clothes."

"Seriously, Sol? This is all you have?" she rolled her eyes incredulously. Soleil chuckled.

"I guess that ensures you won't be stealing my clothes anytime soon," she chinwagged. Selene made a disgusted face, which made them both laugh.

"I appreciate your enthusiasm, Lene, but I think I can manage this on my own," Soleil dismissed her sister so she could dress in private. She went easily, giggling to herself contentedly.

Soleil hated to admit it to herself, but she was actually feeling quite anxious about school this morning. How could she possibly make a good impression when all she owned was old T-shirts and jeans? Why was she even worried what these new people would think of her and her clothes? Should she be herself or attempt to embody the new persona she'd been envisioning all night long?

She shook the thoughts from her mind then shook her whole body as if to clear them from her entire being. She grabbed her favorite T-shirt (heather grey with the AC/DC logo across the front, stretched in a comfortable way over her large breasts) and pulled on her most comfortable blue jeans. After arguing with Selene to get out of the bathroom, she attempted to throw her hair into a messy bun. She succeeded after four attempts and only one aggravated meltdown. She quickly did her makeup and met Selene downstairs.

"You look good, actually. Comfortable and lazy, but in a good way," Selene mused. Soleil stuck her tongue out at her sister. She found her oversized black jacket and layered it over her shirt. "And you look beautiful as always, Lene," she said as she peered at her sister's simple yet preppy ensemble.

The two headed out the door into the chilly October morning. The air was crisp with the smell of dead leaves and pumpkin pie, which was being freshly baked at their neighbor's house. The sky was overcast, which only added to the lovely autumnal atmosphere. This was Soleil's favorite time of year, whereas her sister enjoyed the warmth of summer.

The two chatted as they walked up the small hill toward their new school: Crossroads Area High School. The building was older, built from brick and incredibly small. It had only one level and a small parking lot, which was only half full. So much for blending in, Soleil thought to herself. A few students were sitting on the steps outside the door, talking amongst themselves. Surprisingly, they didn't pay too much attention to the sisters as they walked by. They made their way into the main office, where they were greeted by the secretary.

"You must be the Thompson sisters," she said, smiling kindly at them. From what Soleil could see of her, she was a large woman. She had thinning brown hair and a large bosom that matched her broad shoulders. She smiled at Soleil, which eased her nerves slightly.

"Yes, ma'am. I'm Soleil," she introduced herself, "and this is my little sister, Selene." Selene waved hello and smiled brightly.

"I'm Amy Henderson. If you two need any help as you adjust, you can direct all your questions and concerns to me," the secretary introduced herself. Amy knocked on the door behind her, which opened after a few seconds. The woman who stepped out was introduced as Mrs. Waters, the high school guidance counselor. She beckoned them into her office, where she went over their schedules and reviewed the student handbook. After all formalities were exchanged, she sent the sisters on their merry way.

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