Chapter 11: Acts of War

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Soleil turned right at the town square, trying to listen to Derek's instructions. So far, they hadn't run into any cops, which was was a miracle in and of itself. She went five miles per hour above the speed limit, turning left to head toward The Hills. She picked up speed, slamming on the brakes when she realized the road she needed to turn onto was approaching faster than she thought.

She pulled into Erik's driveway hastily, narrowly missing Alex's parked car. As she scrambled out of the car, she noticed a small group had formed in front of the garage door. It appeared the group was surrounding something. Or someone. Soleil rushed toward the congregation, shoving bodies out of the way when necessary.

"Move!" she yelled as she attempted to shove a large boy to the side. "Selene?!"

"Soleil!" she heard her sister yell from up ahead. She continued plowing through the crowd, which started thinning out once people recognized her as Selene's sister. As she neared the garage door, she could see Selene cowering against it. She had on a pair of shorts and was holding a T-shirt against her chest. As she shoved the last person aside, she reached out for her sister and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Get in the car. We'll talk later," Soleil instructed. Selene made no arguments as she walked defeatedly back to the car. Anthony, who had followed Soleil into the chaos, wrapped a protective arm around Selene's shoulders as he escorted her back to the car. Now, Derek stepped out and joined Soleil.

"What the hell happened?" Soleil yelled, staring into the sea of bodies in Erik's driveway. Erik himself stepped forward, holding his hands out to show his innocence.

"She went to the bathroom to change her clothes, and then I suddenly hear her screaming. So, I went to investigate and found him-" Erik pointed to a tall, yet scrawny boy who was being restrained by a few other boys built like linebackers- "trying to force himself on her."

Soleil's panic turned to rage in a white hot instant. She turned her attention toward the boy. She didn't recognize him, but she assumed he was in Selene's class. He looked to be the same age, anyway.

"I didn't do anything to her, I swear!" he shouted at Soleil, who was closing the distance between them very quickly. "She came onto me! I thought she wanted-" Soleil's fist finally closed the gap between them as she lunged at him. She heard a crunching sound as her knuckles made contact with his nose. He cried out, reaching up to grab his face. The linebacker-boys who'd been holding him had now backed away. Soleil put her knee into his groin, and the boy cried out again. He bent to cover his crotch, only for Soleil to grab ahold of his hair and begin repeatedly punching him in the face.

She felt someone grabbing her shoulder, trying to pull her away from the boy. She turned to see who it was when Derek stepped in and shoved the kid to the ground. She made eye contact with Derek, whose eyes were wild with fury. Soleil felt a breeze by her face, followed by an open hand forcefully smacking her cheek. It was the boy attempting to fight back.

Before Soleil could lay into him again, Derek grabbed the boy's arm and twisted it. She heard a nasty snapping sound before the boy let out a pained cry.

"You like raping girls, you sick fuck?" Derek shouted as he punched the boy in the stomach. He doubled over, the wind knocked out of him, and Derek knocked him to the ground. Soleil turned her attention away from them, knowing full well Derek had things under control. She turned to the crowd behind her. Most were staring in utter shock while a few others were trying to jump in on the action.

"If I find out any of you helped this little creep try to rape my sister, you're going to end up in worse condition than him! Do I make myself clear?" she yelled at the crowd, adrenaline and rage still pumping through her veins. Most nodded in response, too afraid to say anything.

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