Chapter 1

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The Skipper, Gilligan, The professor, Mr. and Mrs. Howel, Ginger and Mary-ann were sitting at dinner, eating what Gilligan had managed to cook up because Ginger and Mary-ann decided to once again go on strike, refusing to cook for everyone anymore, insisting that they were not their maids.

Of course, this had started over something they heard on the radio, something about how a group of women were standing up against the inequality between expectations towards women and men..

Of course none of the men know how to cook. If you were to ask the professor, he would tell you that he was an experienced cook, but the other castaways could tell you that he was a terrible cook. Everything he made was either burnt, or raw. Nothing he made was edible.

Gilligan ended up stuck with dinner duties, courtesy to Skipper, who ordered him to go make dinner, just to get him out of his hair.

"My god Gilligan, what is this? It's awful!" Cried the Skipper. Once again, critisizing Gilligan. He hated how that always happened. He just wanted to be appreciated for once.

"Well if you don't like it, then you can go make your own food from now on! We are no longer on the S.S.Minnow so you have no control over me!" Gilligan said angrily, and tiredly. Everyone was always thinking so little of him. They treat him like a child.

"Don't talk to the Skipper like that boy!" Exclaimed Mr. Howel. The Skipper just sat there, shocked. Gilligan had never actually stood up to him like that before.

"Gilligan, I've never actually heard you yell, especially at the Skipper." Ginger said in shock.

"Little buddy, I-I'm Sorry, I-I-" The Skipper really didn't know what to say. He was just as shocked as everyone else. He had known Gilligan for so long, and never once did he speak out of line. Before he could finish his thought, the Skipper was cut off.

"Everybody here always thinks that I'm stupid, and that I just ruin everything, and I am so sick of it! I am none of your servants, so stop treating me like one! You all can do everything for yourself from now on, I am going to find my own way off this island." Gilligan seemed to have calmed down at that last part, speaking softly.

The six others didn't know what to say. The professor was the first to speak up. "Gilligan, I understand that you are upset, but if any of us want to get off this island we need to all work together."

"And, where has that gotten us? We have been stuck on this island for two years!" Gilligan exclaimed.

"You know Professor, Gilligan might be right. I once starred in this movie where we got trapped on a cruise ship. We were all trying to escape from the ship before we were the next to get murdered, and at first we were all working together, but that only led to us fighting. Eventually, we split up and it was like a competition to get off the boat, then one of us finally escaped the ship." Explained Ginger.

"Oh, I don't know Ginger. I don't think the same situation is applicable to us," Mary-Ann spoke softly.

"You mean, we could all split up and try to get off the island, and we could send one person off, and then they could send someone back to rescue us?" Asked the Skipper. "Well, I was just gonna say that at least one of us will get off the island, but sure let's go with your idea, Skipper." Ginger said, not paying attention to Mary-Ann's comment.

"Fine by me. Come on Lovey, let's go build us a Yacht off the island." Said Mr Howel.

"Hold up Thurston, I don't see why I should just follow you because you say so!" Mrs Howel exclaimed.

"But, but Lovey..." but Mr Howel was interrupted.

"Sorry Thurston, but Gilligan is right, and I see no reason why I should have to listen to what you say. I am a strong and independent woman after all. "

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