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Lauren's pov

I have just finished talking to the headteacher, he was just saying welcome to the school and stuff. Right now I'm looking down at the pice of paper in my hands trying to find my locker, not having any luck I sigh and look around.

"Hey, are you new?" I hear I turn around to see a small girl with brown eyes and brown hair, I nod lightly

"Uh, yeh, could you help me find my locker?" I ask, she smiles and nods

"Yeh, of course, let me see," she said, I pass her the paper and she smiles

"Okay, so follow me, You're not too far from mine," she said, I smile and follow her

"Here you go," she said, I smile

"Thanks," I say, she nods and I put the stuff I don't need in there

"What's your name?" she asked, I close my locker and lean against it

"Lauren, you?"

"Camila," she said, I smile and then her name was called

"Hey babe," she said, it was to a tall boy with brown curly hair and brown eyes, he leans down and kisses her, I look away as it wasn't just a small peck

When I look to see if they were done I sigh, I tap Camila's shoulder but she just ignores it, people look at me with amused faces

"Okay, you don't have to fuckin' eat each other in front of me, god," I say, they pull back and people giggle

"What? Mila who the fuck is that?" her boyfriend asked, she blushed

"Shawn, that's Lauren, Lauren my boyfriend," she said, I nod

"Congratulations, you're in a relationship don't need to have made out in front of everyone to prove it," I say, I grab my time table and sigh looking around

"Hey missy-" I cut him off

"Don't you fucking dare call me that, I'm not a fucking dog?" I say, Camila giggles lightly

"You are a bit of a bitch," she said, I raise an eyebrow and nod

"Thanks for helping me," I say, I walk off and try to find my way, I see a teacher and she helps me, I thank her and sit down

The lesson goes on and then the next, it's soon enough lunch and it goes on my phone sat at the table, I hear some people sit down

"I'm not moving so fuck off," I say, I hear some giggles

"Lauren" I hear and I know it's Camila

"What? want me to bark like a dog or you? or how about I take a shit in your bed because you didn't train me?" I say I look up to see she's with other people

"Mani?" I say, she smiles

"Hey, girl," she said, I blush and giggle lightly

"Hi," I say, she smiles

"You don't need to be so defensive in this school," she said, I look down and go back on my phone

"Don't talk about it" I say, she sighed but nodded

"Okay," she said, I look at Camila

"Why are you sat here?" I asked, she bites her lip shrugging

"I don't know..." She said, I roll my eyes and go back on my phone, they all talk I put my phone down and drink my water, I look around the cafeteria and feel my anxiety go through the roof, the thought of everyone just talking about me and laughing at me.

"Lauren?" Camila said, she giggles and I get up running out, I lean against a wall trying to slow my breathing, a few moments later they all came out

"Hey, it's okay, nothing is going to happen," Camila said, I push her back as she goes to touch me

"Okay, no touching" I sit on the floor bringing my knees to my chest resting my head on them, I rock lightly because this helps a lot

"Fuck this I'm going to eat," Shawn said, I put my middle finger up I don't know if he saw or not but I don't care

"Guys, you can go too, I got this, it might be better for there to be fewer people as well" I hear Camila say, I nod lightly and hear them go

"Hey, calm down," she said, I look at her with a 'bitch I can't fucking calm down" face she nods lightly

After a while of her just sitting there I did calm down, even though she would say the stupidest things, it was nice and did help, to be honest, it seems like when she's not with Shawn shes nice.

"You okay now?" she asked, I nod lightly

"Yeh, thanks," I say, she rubs my back and I smile lightly

"Well, lunch is over and lessons have started, do you want me to show you to your lesson?" she asked, I nod lightly she gets my timetable and smiles, we walk to my lesson

"Thanks, you know when you're not with Shawn you are not so bad," I say, she rolls her eyes and pushes me into class, she comes in aswell I look at her confused and she smiles, I guess we have the same class.

When class was over i go to my locker with camila, as we was walking and getting our stuff we talked about ourselved and accually we habe a lot in common, i put my bag on my back and get my car keys and she raised an eyebrow.

"You drive?" she asked, i nod she smiles and then shawn comes

"Bye, your pets here" i say, she frowns then seen shawn

"That's bitchy of you" she said, i put my middle finger up as i was wlaking away and her her laugh

Camila, when it's jsut the two of us she's really nice and funny, but when shes with Shawn she's just a bitch and the wrost person ever, i get in my car and people looked shocked making me forwn, don't people dirve in this town?

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