Electric Shock

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"Eww you perv. That sounds illegal." Alexis cringed. William glared at her. "Alright it's time for you to die I'm getting bored." She yawned.

William's eyes darted around in paranoia.

"You should be honored. Your the first person I used this to kill someone with." She smiled sweetly with a wink.

"Manipulation stage negative three: Heart."

William's eyes widened and a pulse went through his body. He gasped and grabbed his chest. "That feeling your having now is called heart burn. It's gonna continue to burn until it pops and I drain all the blood from each pore of your body." Alexis shrugged.

"Have fun dying I'm gonna go check on my boyfriend." William strained for his gun. He reached it and loaded it with bullets. He managed to get shoot Alexis with one before she walked away. Alexis felt something touch her, but she didn't know what. She ignored it and skipped over to Ban.

"Take care of your ex-boyfriend?"

"Mhmm! He's dying slowly from heart failure." Alexis said sweetly. Ban pat her head.

"That's my girl." Alexis smiled brightly.

"And the Holy Knight?" She asked with burning hatred in her eyes. Ban rolled his eyes. He was about to answer when Ban melted. Alexis was confused. She tried to put him together again while tears rushed down her face.

"This is all your fault. If you let me cleanse you then you can save your boyfriend."

Alexis searched the dark space. "William! William! What the hell?!" Alexis yelled. Her voice shaky from crying.

"My parting gift to you...for now. This is called Electric Shock. It makes you hallucinate." William said in her head.

Alexis gasped and sat up. She searched the and  found William on the ground. Alexis kicked him with all her might sending him flying. She ran around looking for Ban.

"Ban! Ban! Babe! Please answer! I can't loose you too!" Alexis shouted with tears streaming down her face. It was hard for her to see where she was running through her tears. Alexis finally spotted Ban. She ran faster to him and felt a pulse go through her body. She felt like electricity was traveling throughout her body.

But Alexis fought it. She fell down next to Ban and rolled over. Alexis couldn't hold it back anymore and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She let out a bloodcurdling shriek in pain. Black spots danced around in her vision and she saw familiar Holy Knight boots walk up to her. She strained her neck to see who it was. The person stabbed Alexis in her stomach pinning her to the ground. They left the sword in her body and laughed.

He wiped his finger along her blood and licked it off.

"Your almost clean..now sleep." He whispered.

Alexis's consciousness began to fade. Yet one figure stood out clearly. That Holy Knight that guarded them at the prison. She had what looked like lipstick on but it was dripping slightly. Alexis was confused.

The Holy Knight licked her lips. "I already told Ban the story before so I'll make this short since your about to pass out soon. I'm Jericho and I defeated Ban. I dressed up as a boy because I felt weak but now I feel stronger."

Alexis's eyes widened and she glanced at Ban who was laying next to her unconscious. "B-Babe. Hey get uh-up." Alexis said. No response. Alexis felt tears well up in her eyes but refused to let them fall. "Come on..we can't die before I get my..kids..back..." Alexis trailed off. She fell unconscious with one tear slipping out of her eye.

William smirked and picked her up. "What are you doing with her?"

"I'm going to cleanse her all the evil that man has done. Then I will reclaim her as mine. Think of her as a trophy if you will." William said to Jericho she waved her hand and walked away. She met up with Gulia and they were about to leave when they spotted King.

Instantly Gulia pointed her lance at King and released Chain Explosion which led to a big explosion. King fakes worry then uses Form Five of Chastiefol Increase. He moved it in a circular motion to create a barrier for himself.

"I was joking." King said. Jericho broke through his barrier. King acted surprised again and then shifted Chastiefol into a standard spear. He used Chastiefol's spear form to attack Jericho from behind. "Another joke." King stated.

Gulia and Jericho collapsed as King yawns.

"Come on I was just getting warmed up." King mocked.

He then began to interrogate Gulia and Jericho.

"Did you come here to divert me from the Holy Knights goal?"

"The..Holy Knights will win!" Gulia declared.

I can't feel Meliodas, Ban, or Diane. I feel Alexis but it's faint. King mentally stated and started to turn around.

His two opponents attacked him at the same time and he dodged both attacks by moving upwards.

"Chastiefol Fourth Configuration: Sun flower." King said.

"Your strong. But you need much more training." King stated while the plant blooms. Revealing a flower which releases several projectiles towards King's opponents.

The flower was cut in half shocking King and Chastiefol reverted back to it's standard spear form.

King wonders who damaged Chastiefol and finds Love Helm still in Vaizel after evacuation.

William smiled brightly at the pink haired girl in his arms. He couldn't wait to numb her body all over so she can't fight him and kill him. He just wanted to clean her of all dirt and evil Ban has exposed her to.

He decided that he would let her go at some point but then he would take her right back again, in front of Ban.

"Ban May kill me for taking.."What's his" but she needs to be cleaned." William shrugged.

He skipped happily then stopped. He sighed and placed Alexis down on the ground. He broke her arms and legs then smiled.

"Now you stay here honey and be a good girl ok." William smiled and walked off.

Slowly Alexis was healing. Before falling uncontrollably she was focusing on healing. She knew that her "psychopath" ex-boyfriend would try to take her away from Ban in some way. She she made sure to speed up the healing process while she was talking to Ban to wake up.

Alexis gasped when she woke up. She coughed violently. She looked into her hand and saw blood. Alexis groaned. "Shit." Alexis healed her legs and one of her arms. Once she regained her strength she went back to Ban.

She wasn't concerned for herself. Hell, she didn't care about anything else but getting her kids back, Elaine and the Sins. They are the only true family she has. Ban is one of the most important people in her life.

Even though Elaine told him from that start what she was, he still accepted her and loved her unlike other who just used her and left her. She always feels happy when she's with Ban. Almost at ease. She had to go back to him no matter what.

If they were to die here. Then sure as hell they would do it together.

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