The Return of the Holy Woman

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Ban gave Aster back to Alexis. Aster smiled brightly then smirked. She grabbed Alexis's now mid back length hair. Since it grew. Alexis hummed and cooed at the girl. Aster then yanked Alexis's hair harshly and continued to do so. Alexis hissed in pain and growled. She held Aster away from her hair.

"Your gonna be a mischievous troublemaker like your father." She sighed. Aster giggled and stuck her tongue out reaching for Alexis's hair.

"Stop that!" Alexis glared. Aster pouted and reached for Ban. Ban took Aster back. "Aww, is mommy being mean." Aster giggled.

"Stop treating me like I'm the bad guy!" Alexis shouted at him. Ash clung to his mother with a smile. "At least one of my children love me."

"You do know you have more than two kids right?"

"What are you talking about? Of course I don't. These are my only kids. Wait! I have another baby named Jasper. That's it." Alexis told him confused.

Ban stared at Alexis skeptically. "What about Joy and Lilith?"

"Those are pretty girl names! I should use those if we have more kids."

"I think you should stop having kids."

"Fine! Party pooper." Alexis mumbled not having a comeback.

The group walked to bury Zhivago. "Say bye to grandpa." Alexis smiled and Ash smiled back at her. Then she gasped. "Then stop being a horn dog and banging me every five minutes and I won't have kids! Boom." Alexis smirked flicking Ban off. He rolled his eyes calling her childish. Alexis shrugged and sat down. She held Ash close to her chest with a smile. Alexis tickled the boy and played peek-a-boo with him. Ban smiled slightly at the scene. He ticked Aster and she flashed a toothy grin. Aster has one of Alexis's green orbs, which is her left eye, and one of Ban's pinkish red orbs, with is her right eye. While Ash was the opposite. His right eye is green and his left eye is pinkish red.

She did have his hair though. Ban played with her hair. He rocked the girl to sleep and gave her to Alexis. Who was laying on the grass with Ash sleeping on her chest. She gently took Aster from Bam and placed her on the other side of her chest.

Alexis was tired. She didn't sleep because Aster was keeping her up. She pulled her hair and cried just for Alexis to wake up. Now that the "heathen child" was asleep, she took this opportunity to take a nap.

The pink haired girl closed her eyes and drifted off. Ban smiled at her. Jericho watched his smile and sighed. She opened her mouth to say something when Alexis's eyes shot open. Before anyone could question her she yelled, "Catch!", to Ban and threw the babies at him. Luckily he caught them and they were still asleep. He turned around to ask why she did that suddenly, but was met with a corpse coming from the ground where Alexis lyed. A fist shot through her back and through her stomach.

Her eyes widened and she gasped. She bit deeply into her bottom lip to not scream in pain. Alexis glared and grabbed the arm. She twisted it and broke it. The pinkett then threw the arm away somewhere and stood up. He wound slowly closed and she glared. She glared and cracked her fist.

Originally, she was going to burn them to a crisp. But she decided not too. For two reasons.

1. Burning bodies do not smell good. Especially ones already rotting. It smells like burning trash and rubber.

2. They pissed her off enough for her to use her bare hands.

Alexis and Ban killed the corpses together. Alexis took the babies back from Jericho and checked for marks. She thanked Jericho for holding them and Jericho's smiled at her saying it was no problem at all.

"Does this have to do with the bringing people back thing that Zhivago was talking about?" Alexis mumbled under her breath.

Elaine appeared and shocked Alexis and Ban. "E-Elaine?" They stumbled.

"Holy shit it is you! Man am I glad to see you! I missed my best fri-" Alexis's happy aura was broken when Elaine and Bam kissed passionately.

Jericho's eyes widened and quickly took the babies from Alexis. She could practically feel the murderous intent radiating off of her.

"Ban..step away from her. Your girlfriend is here. I don't know if you forgot about that but she's about to kill someone." Jericho warned. Elaine looked at Jericho and shot her with her powers. Alexis gasped knowing the twins where with her. She rushed over to Jericho and checked to see if her and the twins where alright.

"She's no threat." Ban told Elaine. "She's going to steal you from me. Like that snake." She said and sent a glare towards Alexis. "What did you call me you glorified floating leprechaun ass bitch." Alexis seethed and got up. She placed the three in a protective bubble.

"Listen you Fairy bitch, you can disrespect me all you want. But what your not gonna do, is try to take my man or hurt my friend and family. Now if you wanna fucking die again, please continue." Alexis said with her bangs covering her eyes. She lifted her head up with a sickly sweet grin on her face. "I won't hesitated to slaughter your sorry bitch ass. On. Motherfucking. Site."

Alexis ran up to Elaine but was pushed down by Ban. "Get outta the way!" She shouted. Ban shook his head.

"Move you lying cheating piece of shit!" She yelled with gritted teeth. Ban didn't budge. Alexis's screams calmed down. She sobbed slightly and Ban attempted to comfort her. When she just stabbed him in the stomach with her sacred treasure and pushed him away.




"My name, it's Alexis. You forgot your promise when I left. So I forgot us." She said and wiped some of her tears.

Elaine shot Alexis throwing her back. Alexis got up and stormed up to Elaine. Ban growls and turned towards Elaine. "You know your the only woman for me."

Hearing this broke Alexis's heart even more. He said those same exact words to her multiple times. Elaine slashed Ban. "If that's true why are you protecting her."

"Technically I'm protecting her because she's in my bible with my kids and is my friend-" Ban glared at Alexis. "Ok I'll shut up." She whispered sadly.

Elaine continued to hurt Ban. Which tore Alexis apart that she just stood by and watched.

"Damnit." She sighed. Alexis slashed at Elaine with her sacred treasure. Elaine sent Alexis back and she hit a boulder. Alexis spit some blood out of her mouth and wiped it. "It was my dream to travel with Ban and you two ruined that." Elaine said.

"I've never wanted to kill you so much in my life!" Alexis yelled at her choking back tears. The image of Ban kissing her sketched in her mind forever. Jericho wanted to help but couldn't leave the bubble. Alexis yelled a battle cry of pain and sorrow. She charged at Elaine and dodged some of her attacks.

She managed to tackle Elaine and pin her down. "Do you love him?" Alexis asked with her bangs creating a shadow over her eyes.


"I do too. And I know Jericho does too. Cuz he saved her life and all. Ban you lucky bastard. Three hot babes in love with you." Alexis chuckled dryly.

"He will never look at you that way." Elaine said to Jericho.

"Get away from her, her minds being controlled by someone." Ban said.

"Your a way better match for him than I am. We have barely anything in common, we fight all the time, we hate and love each other. The only thing we share or agree on are our kids. You two connect more than we do." Alexis began to cry.

"No matter how hard I try, I'll never be as good to him as you were. I'll never beat Elaine the holy woman. I'm never good enough no matter what.." Alexis cried.

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