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Alexis sighed leaned on Ban for support. The fatigue she felt from her fight with Gina and teleporting the children somewhere safe was finally setting in. Ban sighed and wrapped and arm around her waist to hold her up. Gina glared slightly and gasped. What am I doing? I'm supposed to be hating her not competing with her boyfriend! Gina yelled at herself mentally.

"Alexis can't you teleport us out?"

"I can't sorry. I'm already weak from earlier plus the group is too big. That much strain on my body would stop my heart." She apologized barley keeping her eyes open. Alexis was trying to calm her racing heart in the process.

After talking about how they were going to get out, Gilfrost teleported them out to the Kingdom if Lioness.

Alexis passed out for a little then woke up. "Can you teleport Sir Meliodas back?" Elizabeth asked Gilfrost with a hopeful look. "I would have to be there, sorry."

Alexis pushed herself out of Ban's arms and stumbled slightly. "I-I'll do it." She said.

"Lex your in no shape to—"

"Shut the hell up Ban! I'm gonna do it! Meli has saved my life too many times to found so I'm gonna returns the favor and screw myself over." Alexis sighed. Her face still looked more pale the usual. Ban sighed and crossed his arms.

Alexis tried to teleport him out, but she fell to the ground coughing violently. She held her stomach with wide eyes (no she's not pregnant). Alexis turned over on her back gasping for air. Gina rushed to her side. "You ok." She whispered and grabbed Alexis's hand. "Take a deep breath in and out it out slowly." Gina instructed.

Alexis did as she was told and began to all down slightly. She smiled at Gina and glared at the ground.

"I couldn't do shit." She seethed and slammed her fist on the ground.


"Meli is in trouble and I couldn't do shit! All the times he saved me he risked his damn life each time! But I can't do the same." Alexis's anger turned into a short sadness then back to rage.

She pushed herself off the ground and stumbled forward. Gina held her arms out to catch Alexis but the pinkete caught herself. "Excuse me while I go have a rage filled tantrum. My apologies if I break anything. Please stand clear for your own safety." She told everyone happily. They nodded and stared at the girl. Alexis smiled at them and walked away from the group. She screamed and threw things. She broke things and groaned. Alexis punched a boulder repeatedly, careful not to break it on the first few hits. When she finished she brushed off her clothes and smiled.

"I'm good now."

"Alexis your hand is bleeding." Ban sighed.

Alexis shrugged and sat down. Gilthunder went up to Gilfrost.

"Teleport me to where Meliodas is."

"You'll die—"

"I'm ok with that." Gilthunder answered. Alexis smirked and walked over to the two. "I like your style Gilthunder. Take me too! I hate feeling weak and helpless." Alexis smirked.

"But your magic—"

"I don't need magic to seriously kick some ass! It's just my boost." She beamed.

"And I still have some left. Just not for big attacks." She pouted. Gilthunder rolled his eyes.

"Are you going to betray the sins like you and Alexis betrayed us?" Estrarossa asked Meliodas.

"You were supposed to be the demon king and Alexis your bride, I looked yo to you both when I was younger, before your betrayal."

"Melascula is gonna eat Meliodas's soul!" Jericho said. Alexis's eyes widened. She was laying her head on Gina's lap while Ban hugged Elaine. The two looked at each other and sighed.

The Foxes girl (SDS FanFic Ban x OC)Where stories live. Discover now