chapter two

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————————Siennas POV——————
September 4th

"i- er- hi!" i stuttered over my words realising
that i had become nervous, fuck knows why but this girl just done some witchcraft or something to me because i never feel nervous like this around a girl-
she snapped fingers in front of my face what made me jump out of my thoughts
"your getting nervous" she chuckled, shiiit this bitch is intimidating in some way
"no i don't know what your talking about" i looked down trying to avoid eye contact fiddling with my fingers
she put a few fingers under my chin and pulled my face up to look at hers "your cute" she smirked "so i'm new here can you help me get to my first class, i think i have english"
"yeah follow me" i mumbled
"you know i think we should be friends i mean like your cute and ho-" she quickly cut herself off before realising what she was going to say, i just looked at her and smiled "sure"

it was lunch, finally, funnily enough me and billie have the same exact lessons, like all the time. we had spent the first four hours in class talking and getting to know each other more, thankfully i lost a lot of my nervousness because not going to lie that shit was quite embarrassing.

me and billie walked over to Addison, Adrien, Noah and Clara, i introduced them all to billie, Adrien started talking to her getting to know her more, i look out my phone out and typed to Addison, i thought it would be rude to go off and talk to her somewhere else, i also didn't want to whisper so i resorted to texting her
"billie literally an angel"
she quickly typed back "tell me everything"

so we spent the next ten minutes talking about what happened when billie tapped me on the shoulder "wanna go for a walk?" i nodded, she linked her arm in mine and we walked off, i turned round and look at Addison and she winked at me
"so.. im gay"
what?? whys she telling me this what am i supposed to say??
"so am i"
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
"sorry i didn't mean to say that so sudden only my family and close friends know and i'm scared of coming out and now you're probably going to go and tell everyone and i'm going to be scr-"
"no no no baby its okay, you shouldn't be scared i wont tell anyone your secrets are with me" she grabbed my hand and stroked it "i just didn't want to seem like i was making a move on you incase you were straight of had a boyfriend or sum" she mumbled
okay but she just called me 'baby' i'm freaking out inside but i need to not make it obvious

i decided to take the lead of the walk, i honestly didn't know why i was taking the lead but all i know is i was heading to our last class, we still had 20 minutes of lunch left but my legs hurt so i figured we could just sit in there and talk about it more and decide our seats before the class started fighting over them.

the end of the day eventually came, i asked billie if she wanted to come over to my house for a bit and obviously she said yes, it might seem quite soon but shes only just moved to our town so i figured she needed to make friends asap
"you mentioned your hella rich so like i'm not and my house is a bit crazy sometimes so i'm sorry it might not be to your standards"
she giggled "being rich or poor or working class whatever you are doesn't matter to me at all"

we finally got to my house and went up to my room, i got netflix up and search 'the office'
"YOU LIKE THE OFFICE OH MY GOD!!" she suddenly started shouting and jumping up and down it scared the shit out of me i didn't know what to do so i just giggled "yes of course"
she smiled and pulled me into a hug "i know i've not even been here for a day but i'm so glad i've met you like your my first friend and when i was back in my old town i fucked up a lot and i want a fresh new start now and you're already helping me with that and i can't thank you enough."
"its okay just know i'm here ill always be here, you can come over anytime you need and you have my number so if u ever need anyone to talk to come round or call me okay?"
"okay" she squeezed me and we laid down giggling

two hours passed i woke up realising i was still in her arms, she was still asleep, shes so beautiful whilst shes sleeping, i've only know this girl not even a day and somethings already clicked, i'm gay but i've never been in a gay relationship but right now i just feel like something about that has changed like i know we aren't in a relationship and probably wouldn't be in one because shes too good for me but something about that has just made me think, like why am i feeling like this towards her? why is she being all flirty with me?

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