chapter four

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———————Siennas POV———————
                       September 9th


i rolled around groaning, everyone around me was still asleep except Clara and Aiden, Clara clearly went to the gym, every Saturday she wakes up at 7am and goes to the gym till 3pm, i don't know why because no way in hell does she need to go but i...

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i rolled around groaning, everyone around me was still asleep except Clara and Aiden, Clara clearly went to the gym, every Saturday she wakes up at 7am and goes to the gym till 3pm, i don't know why because no way in hell does she need to go but i mean she enjoys it

I heard the toilet flushing as Aiden walked into the room "good morning i made you some toast" i smiled "thank you" he's so sweet, this is why he's been my best friend for years, i quickly unraveled myself from billies arms once again so i could get up and grab the toast and give him a hug "you didn't have to" he tightened the hug "no its okay" i laughed "okay let me eat this then get a shower"
so thats what i done, ate my toast and grabbed a outfit heading to the shower, i put on my playlist and washed my hair and body, i don't take long in the shower because i'm lazy and can't be bothered to stand in there hours, i washed my hair and body in the space of like ten minutes, i jumped out the shower and dried myself throwing my clothes on and brushing my hair, do i dry it? what do i do with it? do i put makeup on more then i already do? i mean its a saturday and i'm spending the whole weekend with billie and its my first weekend with her so i want to impress her

i decided to do makeup, not a lot though i only done my eyebrows and mascara and a bit of concealer, i didn't want to seem too pushy, i also just left my hair down straightened
by the time i had finished getting ready it was 10:34am i went to see if Noah was awake and he was "want anything from mcdonald's?" i asked, i figured ill all get them a mcdonalds breakfast if they were up for it, "sure ill have the pancakes" i nodded and headed to my room, Addison and Billie were now awake, billie stared at me with her mouth dropping open and i giggled, "you all want something from mcdonalds?" they all told me their orders and i went to walk out the room when someone grabbed my hand, it was billie "can i come with you?" she smiled "sure, do u want to get changed?" she looked at herself and laughed "yeah ill be quick, ill get a shower tonight" i nodded and grabbed my phone, realising i almost left it here, i slumped on my bed turning it on whilst i waited for billie, i had quite a lot of notifications
Yolo: who's billie?
Yolo: we all know your gay
Yolo: lesbian🙄
yolos some stupid anonymous snapchat app and i get messages through it everyday and idk how because i've only ever posted the link on my story once just for banter but somehow people still have it saved and comment on it, oh well, i scrolled through some more notifications
aidenn liked your post 39minutes ago
then another imessage from the unknown person, well another 5 messages
unknown: you know who i am 5:56am
unknown: look outside 6:10am
unknown: Sienna Aidar 17 6:11am
unknown: Sienna 6:35am
unknown: where are you 7:45am

what the fuck? 'come outside'? i replied
me: whats your name?
they replied instantly
unknown: H.
who's H? is it just a code name? oh well, i just ignored it, i don't want anything to do with this crap whatever it is.
billie finally came out, "you look amazing" wait did i say that out loud? fuck, oh well i wasn't lying
"thank you" she smirked "lets go" so we did we went to mcdonalds blasting music singing and shouting our hearts out to the songs, even when we got to the drive through, the people must've thought we were crazy

we had got home and ate all our food and everyone was ready, we weren't sure if we wanted to go out or not
"can we go to the cinema" Addison shouted from the bathroom we all agreed "yeah" then before you know it we were all on the floor cracking up with laughter at the fact we said it all in sync.
we headed to the cinema looking in some shops first at clothes when billie decided to lock hands with mine, i looked down at them and then looked up at her and smiled "i know u wanted me to do that" she whispered "oh shut up" we laughed, walking into gucci, billie wanted to buy a gucci jumper, i don't know why because she already had like 100 of them but they're nice so i don't blame her, then my phone started ringing, it was the unknown person, i answered
"hello sienna"
i couldn't tell if it was a girl or a boy and i had never heard the voice before
"who is this?" i asked
"who's H? who are you?"
"im H" they said that quite aggressively, fuck.
"how do you know me?"
they didn't reply, they ended it, what the fuck? how do they know me? i'm so confused
"who was that?" billie asked
"i don't know some unknown number who keeps messaging me"
"hmm well if they give you shit let me know baby" i smiled, she called me that word again AHHH "okay" she grabbed a gucci jumper and top and paid for it, we met back up with Aiden, Addison and Clara to go to the cinema

3 hours passed, billie was tapping me awake "the movies over now wake up" she smiled gently waking me, i realised i had fell asleep on her shoulder "sorry i didn't mean to fall asleep on your shoulder" i laughed "no its okay i know i'm comfortable" she smirked, we went back to mine, they were all sleeping at mine for the weekend, we figured billie could get to know us more and we could get to know us more, we spent the next 2 hours watching films on netflix, i guess today we were all in the mood to watch a ton of films lmao, Aiden was sitting with Noah both laughing at something on their phones, Addison and Clara were both laying on the floor looking on clothing websites, us three were all crazy over fashion, and me and Billie were cuddled up on the bed, she was tracing patterns on my arm, i tried to figure it out as i realised she was writing something but obviously it was quite hard to figure out because she wasn't actually writing it, after ten minutes i gave up, i pulled my phone out, saw another two messages
unknown: i saw you earlier 5:28pm
unknown: are you asleep 5:45pm
ugh i wish they would stop messaging me, do they not understand that i wont want to message them back unless i know who they are and how they know who i am.
Yolo: ugly whore
Yolo: irrelevant
back to the hate i see, i rolled my eyes turning off my phone going back to hugging billie
"your not ugly, you're gorgeous" she said whilst pulling me into a tighter hug
"you read that?" i sighed
"of course i did, i saw it in the corner of my eye and couldn't not see the shit they said, don't listen to them baby" shes so adorable i cant
"i lov-" i quickly stopped myself before i realised what i was about to say, fuck i think i like her more then friends, i've only known her two days, how has this happened?
she smiled clearly knowing what i was about to say "thankyou" i smiled kissing her cheek, i can't believe my mouth almost let me say that, stupid brain lmao

we all decided to huddle around in a circle and discuss a bit about ourselves so billie could get to know us more, Aiden and Addison explained a bit about their family, their mum moved away to australia after she cheated on their dad with some australian man, me, noah and clara had pretty much the same past and we weren't really ready to talk to billie about it so i just explained "i'll explain it more in depth soon, i just need more time but to shorten it down, our mothers in prison right now for a lot of bad reasons" i huffed "i don't really know whats happened but i'm sorry" she hugged us three apologising once again for what she knows about it so far, she talked a bit about her past explaining she had moved here from la and she got kicked out of her old school and she came here to have a fresh start, we carried on talking and laughing about old memories and events from the past when i heard a knock at my window..

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