My Language Arts Class

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(The dragon above is a male Pearlcatcher named Tasmos)

I'll start this off well by talking about my insane LA class. It ranks #2 on the insanity scale of my classes. #1 is Social Studies. So, today we were reading about the Titanic. How it sunk, why, and all that jazz. This kid that me and my friends have nicknamed Kaminari has Airpods in. Another kid notices and says, "Airpods get kids kidnapped!" He then goes on to explain how, because you can't hear as well with Airpods in, that kids will get kidnapped if they have them in. That's the thing that happened today. But, there was one time that I'll never forget.

One day, there was a sub in for our usual LA teacher. We were doing a worksheet, nothing unusual, when this kid that everyone knew was a class clown decided to sit in the rolling chair. OK, no big deal, right? Wrong. A couple of minutes later, after clowning around, he thought that it was a good idea to jump into the seat. SNAP! One of the wheels BREAKS OFF. It's dead silent for a couple seconds. And I can't remember what happened after that lol. 

We have some inside jokes specifically for my LA period (which is 6). The first inside joke is about our LA teacher being a bird killer. Let me explain. So, one point in class, we're talking about birds. I don't remember how or why, but we were. Eventually, my teacher starts telling a story. She tells us how she used to walk by this old man to get home, and how he had two emus in his front yard. She says that one day, the old man wasn't there anymore, and, eventually, neither were the emus. And she told another story about how she had a pet bird and it literally dropped dead in front of her for no reason. Then Kaminari teased her about being a bird killer. And that's how the joke started.

The second inside joke is about my teacher being a cow. It started when we were reading The Giver, and one of the kids accidentally read something as "moo". My teacher jokingly said, "Are you calling me a cow?" and acted offended. Then, whenever cows or something related came up, kids would moo at her and jokingly call her a cow, and she would act like she was sad, but laugh along afterward. She's awesome.

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