Chapter 7

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 Miguel and I immediately started going through his kitchen and grabbing plastic bags. However, Cynthia was still sitting at the kitchen table, looking at us like we were a couple of dummies. Which we were, but that's beside the point.

"You okay, Cyn?" I asked her.

"You guys are a little too excited there," Cynthia answered. "You're all ready to head out the front door and head on off to the market. Shouldn't we really have to plan this out first?"

Miguel and I stopped our rummaging and sat back down. "I can tell Cynthia's gonna be the smart one of the group," I said.

"And what are you?" Miguel asked.

"The good looking one."

"Bullshit," Miguel scoffed.

Cynthia sighed, "It's too early for this shit. Can we get down to business?"

"Sure," I replied.

"Where exactly is this market? And how big is the place?"

"It's not like a big ass supermarket," I told Cyn.

"Yeah, it's more of a mom and pop type of place," Miguel added.

"What's the name of it?"

Miguel and I looked at one another. "Um, I don't know, Cyn. We just call it 'the market' Everyone around here did," Miguel answered.

"Okay, next we can stop off at 'The Hospital.' Then, we can swing past 'The Park.'"

"Ooh, can you push me on the swings?" I asked Cyn. She looked at me like she wanted to slap the shit out me.

"Why are you so worried about this place, Cyntia?" Miguel asked her.

"Because if we make it there, I want to at least know what we're up against."

"See? She is the smart one, Miguel," I chimed in.

"What if we get there and it's packed with those dead creatures?"

"Then we just go someplace else. We keep going until we find some place that has enough supplies for the three of us. The more we get now, the less we have to get later on," I responded.

"You guys should at least go check it out," added Miguel. "And if you can't find anyplace, just get back here before it gets dark out."

Cynthia thought about it for few seconds. "Alright then. I'll go upstairs and get ready."

Miguel and I resumed gathering up what shopping bags we could find, and of course, I had my trusty cinch bag to bring along. Miguel handed me a huge bundle of plastic bags to take with me.

"Getting there and back will be the toughest part, Reid. You be careful out there, understand?" Miguel told me.

I nodded. "Of course. I know you'll miss my pretty face while we're gone."

"I'm really starting to hate you."

"Aw. That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me, Miguel."

"Just go get ready."

I wanted to wear a jacket for this little trip to the grocery store, but I remembered that I left mine resting on the floor of Maro's when I had to give that one dead thing the slip. I called down the stairs to Miguel, "Hey, Miguel, do you have a jacket I could borrow?"

"Sure, hang on," Miguel answered.

I threw on another pair of black jeans and my trusty sneakers and a plain gray t shirt. Cynthia put her hair up in a high pony tail and she was wearing a green hoodie and some khakis and white tennis shoes. When the two of us went back downstairs, Miguel handed me a camouflage jacket.

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