Chapter 13

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 Of course packing up what supplies you have and hitting the road is a lot easier said than done when the area is filled with undead cannibals. I knew that, and I was pretty sure Cynthia knew that as well. Rather than trudge up the stairs and wake Cynthia up and tell her the news I'd be going with her, which would probably net me an ass whipping, I sat in the living room of the house and tried to formulate a plan in my head. Which was kind of pointless since I had no clue where Cynthia's mom and sister even lived.

"Hey, Reid," Cynthia said in the morning. "You didn't fall asleep on guard duty today. Nice."

"It was that one time, Cyn. Cut a guy some slack would ya?" I fired back.

"I'm just busting your chops. Don't get your panties in a bunch."

"I'm more of a thong girl myself."

Cyn laughed. "I'll keep that in mind for when your birthday comes around." After grabbing herself a candy bar, Cynthia sat down next to me. "So, what's going on outside? Anything?"

"All is quiet. Those eaters are really boring."

"If you call biting into people, and ripping their throats out, 'boring.' Then yeah, I guess so."

"Just eat your candy bar."

"I will."

"I spent most of the night thinking about what you said. About wanting to go find your family."


"I want to go with you."

Cynthia's face lit up when I told her that. "Really?"

"Yeah. Might as well."

"Thanks, Reid!" Cynthia shouted as she hugged me.

"Awkward human contact."

"Shut up."

"Now, before we leave, Cynthia, we really and I mean really need to plan this shit out. We can't just head on out  the front door and go for a brisk walk to your mom's apartment complex."

Cyn nodded. "Yeah, I know."

"I need to know where your mom and sister live first and foremost, because this might not even be doable. I hate to be a wet blanket over here."

"Well, under normal circumstances, which I know these are not, I would say it's about a thirty five minute walk to their place. But that's just guessing."

"Probably a fifteen minute drive then. I'm not so sure, I don't number good."

Cynthia chuckled. "If you say so."

"Where are these apartments anyways?" I wondered. I know, I know, I probably should have asked Cynthia that first.

"Hyde's apartments."

I knew exactly where Cynthia was talking about. I used to play hockey in the outdoor rink directly across the street from the place. "Hm. Interesting," I told Cynthia.

"Is that bad?"

"Well, they're not exactly on the moon, Cyn. So they have that going for them. I do think it is doable. Of course it would be easier if we knew what that area was like in terms of the dead things."

Cynthia chuckled. "Nobody said the apocalypse would be easy, Reid."

"Got that right."

"I'm going to have a smoke. Want to keep me company?"

"If I can touch your feet."

"I fucking hate you."

Standing in the back doorway of Miguel's house, Cynthia had her cig while I just looked at Miguel's lifeless body laying beside his garage. "Poor Miguel," I muttered.

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