Chapter 15

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"Run!" I shouted at Cynthia.

The two of us had no choice but to run down the side street. Unfortunately, the road stopped at a dead end; thick, heavy overgrowth in front of a tall barbed wire fence. Man, this little adventure Cynthia and I have been on has been a real hoot and a holler so far. Fuck this shit.

"Reid, they're not letting up," Cynthia told me as she took a quick glance behind us.

Cyn and I had to think of something as her and I had to obviously get off of the road. My eyes darted from one side of the street to the other, looking for a home with an open front door. I didn't care what could be inside the houses waiting for us either, I just wanted off the street.

We had to make a decision and fast because Cynthia and I were running out of road to run down. The only course of action at that time was to dart in between two houses. Being chased down by a bunch of blood thirsty corpses doesn't really help with the decision making process. I grabbed Cyn and the two of us made a sharp right turn and cut in between two houses at the end of the block.

"Head for the backyard,"I told Cynthia.

When Cyn saw that the two houses were separated by a tall privacy fence, she sighed, "Of fucking course." Because why wouldn't the houses have a nice, small, fence that Cyn and I could hurdle easily?

Knowing that the dead things would be on us rather quickly, I let Cynthia go ahead of me and get on the fence first.

"What are you doing, Reid?" Cyn asked me.

"I'm right behind you, Cyn. Just keep climbing."

I brought Miguel's rifle around from my back, flicked off the safety, and began firing at the the undead.

I fired at the creatures wildly. I don't even know what the hell I was aiming at, I just fired. Some of the bullets hit the eaters in the head, others were hit in the chest area. The POP, POP, POP  that the rifle made when I fired echoed off of the sides of the houses.

"The legs, Reid!" Cyn yelled from the other side of the fence. "Get their legs!"

I lowered the rifle and began shooting at the corpse's knees. The dead things started to drop and stumble over one another, giving me enough time to get over the fence. I slung the rifle around my back and started to climb. I hopped down into the backyard, making sure not to crack my head on the ground like last time, and Cynthia and myself headed for the garage. We ran around to the back and stood there, trying to catch our breath.

The two of us could hear the eaters in between the two homes. They were growling and wailing and making that snarling sound that I can't stand.

"They sound like they're close," Cynthia said as she tried to catch her breath.

I took a peek around the corner; there was nothing coming over the fence and into the yard. "They're not in the backyard, Cyn. There's nothing."

Cynthia leaned her head back and took a deep breath. "Good."

"That was a good call, shooting at their legs like that."

"Well, I was watching you shoot at their heads, your accuracy is utter shit."

"Thanks, Cynthia. You're such a sweetie pie. I'll make sure to undergo firearms training before the next apocalypse begins."

"I'm sure the other dead things around here heard the gunshots."

"If they did, I think they'd be on us by now."

"Who knows, Reid. They might be headed our way as we speak."

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