~SaiOuma Fluff~

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I know I know "tHe TiTlE sAyS mAiNlY sMuT" but like l e t m e h a v e t h i s
inspired by a prompt and a headcanon~!

It'd been a long day for both Ouma and Saihara so bedtime sounded like a sound decision but... "You can get ready for bed Kichi i have some paperwork i need to finish up real quick, alright?" Saihara always seemed to have work! Ouma crossed his arms and pouted "you had work last night..." Saihara nodded "I know im sorry, but it's less this time I'll be with you in just a few minutes honey" he kissed the smaller boy on the forehead Ouma scrunched his nose "...fine, but if you're not in bed by-" he pulled out his phone to check the time "9:30 you're in trouble..." Saihara rolled his eyes "alright, alright"

~short skip~

Saihara sat down at his desk setting down a case file and picking up a pen suddenly he heard a small whine come from the bed behind him he turned to look but noticed nothing unusual and went back to work. a few seconds later he heard it again "Baby? you alright?" he panicked a little worried for the worse no response was heard he looked between the file and the bed before sighing and walked over to to the boy he assumed had been asleep brushing the hair out of his face to check if he was fine Ouma's eyes fluttered open a small groan came from him "...I can't sleep" Saihara sighed poking his cheek "you had me worried" Ouma grabbed his hand "sorry, i just need you here" Saihara brushed his thumb over Ouma's hand, "I told you love, i need to get that work done" Ouma nodded looking somewhat disappointed "I know, I'll just watch TV or somethin' until you're done" Saihara frowned "you're exhausted darling you need sleep" the purple-haired boy just shook his head "I- uhm... can't not... without you" he looked down Saihara looked at him surprised "Kichi, you should've just said that..." Ouma's cheeks went pink in embarrassment "it's dumb though!" Saihara shook his head "no it's not! now move over so i can cuddle you" Ouma smiled and slid over Saihara got into the bed and wrapped his arms around his small boyfriend who in return nuzzled himself into Saihara's chest "I love you" he mumbled starting to drift off Saihara kissed the top of his head "I love you too"


haha, i feel like my writing has gotten worse :c
uhm anyway yay finally fluff! might do some more and MAYBE angst if i don't  c r y  w r i t i n g  i t

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2020 ⏰

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