What If We Rewrite The Stars? (The Greatest Showman)

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I watched "The greatest showman" for the first time and I want to kill myself for not watching it earlier... But better now than never, right?
So, I fell in love with Anne and Philip like the fkin cutest relationship goals I'll ever see 😍
So this is a bit more fluff version of the fire and the hospital than it was showed in the movie.

Anne was shaking.
Her eyes were filled with tears.
She didn't see Phillip when she got into the crowd.
She didn't saw P.T as well.
Something was wrong and she knew it.
She could feel it.
She wanted to run into the building but W.D was holding her and she never managed to escape his hold.

When she heard girl screaming "Daddy" she caught a second of W.D's weakness and got away from him.
She ran to P.T who was holding Phillip in his arms.
He layed him firmly on the ground, coughing.
She fell on her knees and held his burned hand into her.
He wasn't moving.
But when P.T said 'he's alive' her heart pounded a bit faster than before.
They have put him on stretcher and she was pushed away.

No way she's leaving his side.
Now when he's burned and bruised and hurt.
He didn't left her side when she was broken.
He doesn't have to go trought this alone.
And she won't let him.
She wanted to run and follow the medic but she felt arms around her waist.
P.T pulled her, still coughing and trying to breathe, his girls clenching on his shirt, as he's pulling out money from his pocket and handing it to her
"Take ride" he breaths and falls into a coughing fit
"A-And take G-good care of him" he smiles and she nods, taking the money and thanking him, leaving him with his daughters and his wife.

When she saw the hospital, she just gave the money and jumped out.
She slammed the door open and saw the medics. They positioned Philip on the bed. He didn't have any clothes on, left in only his underwear.
His entire body was blood and burns.
His chest was heaving hard.
His face or body showing no signs of life.
Until the medics started to clean the burns.

He started screaming in pain.
And Anne couldn't bare seeing him alone and taking all of the pain by himself.
She ran and picked up his burned hand as soft as possible, not wanting to hurt him.

Phillip wasn't sure who was holding his hand but he was sure it was comfortable and reassuring. He gripped on it, despite the fact that he felt enorm amount of pain crawling all the way of his body. He didn't knew what was it? Why was he in pain?

"You can't be here!" nurse yelled but Anne shook her head
"Don't make me leave" Philip wanted to open his eyes. He damn well knew that voice. And everything hits him like a wave.
He tries to open his eyes but fails miserably, he can't even talk, only groans and coughs leaving his burned lungs filled with smoke
"Miss I have to"
"N-No" his chest heaves and he falls into a coughing fit. His entire body starts shaking but his hand never lets go of hers.
Nurse gives up, seeing bad condition the man was and just let Anne be there.
She watched them carefully clean up the burns and wrap them up.
She knew it was painful. She could feel grip on her hand tightening every time a liquid would connect with the burn and then the gauze covering it.

"He come up with numerous of burns, his lungs are full with smoke, he's got bad injury on his chest, probably a wood plank falling onto him. It will take time to recover but scars will stay after the burns. He's unconscious right now but he will wake up at some point" doctor inform Anne and she nods, thanking, and she can see doctor leaving the room.

"What if we rewrite the stars?" Anne whispers, her hand holding his, her eyes wandering around his body, ending on his closed eyes. He seems so peaceful yet in enormous pain and she just hopes he will make it.
He's gotta make it, right?


It's been three days since the fire.
Three days since Philip went trought enormous amount of pain.
Three days since Anne was in this hospital, holding his hand.

She would just sit there, on the edge of his bed and hold his hand close to her chest.
His entire body is covered with gauzes and he's still dirty from the smoke.
Hand she's holding is in gauzes, only fingers peeking out, changing shades of red and black.
She's crying. She doesn't know how long it's been since she saw those beautiful eyes she managed to fell in love with.
She missed him.
So bad.

When Philip came to his senses, he felt hand.
Same hand.
He heard small breaths and he felt his hands. He twitched his fingers and he finally felt his eyelids and opened his eyes.
His eyes scanned her face.
She's got small bags under her eyes and tears staining her cheeks.
"T-There you are" he whispers gently and she leans and his lips connected with hers.
He melted into touch and his hands moved to hold her head, his thumbs wiping tears she let quietly fall down her beautiful face.
She pulls away and smiles gently
"Hey" she whispers softly and that's when he remembered what happened.
She was in -
"Are you hurt?" he asks, before even finishing his thoughts. He's trying to sit up and already looking for any sings of injuries on her body. His chest becomes raising up and down faster than it should. Anne helps him sit up and gets hold of his shaking hands who were wandering trying to notice the slightest injury but away from her body, like if he was scared to touch and maybe hurt her.
"I'm fine. I wasn't in Philip. I came out when you got in" she sobs and she gets hold of his head, leaning her forehead with his
"I'm here" she whispers and he nods

Philip pulled Anne to lay and he let her get comfortable. He opened his arms and she layed carefully, afraid to touch the burns but he doesn't care in slightest.
She's resting her head on his shoulder as his hand go trough her hair, other one still holding hers
"That wasn't a smart move Philip"
"I don't care"
"Philip I could have lost you"
"Well I could have too! I was scared, okay? I admit it, I was petrified that you were in there trapped and Jesus I don't care about myself as long as I know you're fine"
"You got hurt..." she whispers, her tears coming back
"Shhh... I'm fine as long as you are" he whispers, kissing her cheek. He squeezes her a bit tighter and shushes her down.
Slowly, Anne's eyelids closed and she fell asleep.
Philip smiled, letting his head rest on top of hers and letting tiredness taking over his body.


"Look at them sleeping like a baby. Jesus I would like to sleep so peacefully" Philip stirs, immediately pulling Anne close and he can hear giggles
"Don't worry Philip, I won't take her" Philip opens his eyes to see P.T smiling at them
"Hey" he whispers, looking down to see Anne asleep in his chest. He lets smile brush over his face
"Hey. How are you feeling?"
"Mmm fine" he answers and falls into coughing fit
"Your lungs strongly disagreed with you" P.T jokes, making everybody laugh
"He will be fine" Anne whispers, waking up
"Hey, good morning"
"Mhmm good morning" she answers and snuggles up in Philip's side
"Thanks for pulling me out P.T"
"Always" he winks
"So, what will happen now?" Philip said
"I'll take a trip around the states to see if I can find a bank to trick her into giving me loan"
"That's gonna be a tough one" Philip says and P.T nods
"It's worth trying. I've got a family and the family needs a house, right?" Philip smiles
"See you soon then. Hope in much more condition, Philip and Philip's lungs" they laugh and P.T leaves.

"How did you sleep?" Philip whispers and Anne smiles
"Good. How do you feel? Any pain?"
"Mhmmm a bit but it will go away"
"I hope"
"It will. I've got some people worth fighting for here" he smiles and she looks up, letting her lips connect with his.

This was all around the place, sorry 🤷‍♀️

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