Valentine's Heart Hacking (KiriDeku)

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(Explanation: It's Valentine's day in the Leauge of Villains. Love is anywhere but the air. Probably burnt by Dabi's fire. But that's because of one simple thing- Love was nowhere in the bar. Shigaraki and Dabi? Out on a mission, probably smooching or something. Toga and Kurogiri are probably hanging out on their mission, while little Izuku is left all by himself. See, he doesn't exactly have a quirk. No, but he was skilled in hacking and anything technology related. He and another hacker had been having a competition for a couple of years now. Whoever could find the others address first won. Here's the thing, neither have really been able to get past the firewall they both have set up, that or they've pretty much stopped trying. They aren't trying to hurt each other, rather, they have actually grown to like each other. But Izuku hasn't really known love in his life, while this boy was smothering. Not in a bad way, though. Oh yeah, and he's practically the Leauge's baby brother so...)

"No way in the seven circles of Hell! You've got to be pulling my leg or something." Came the all-to happy voice from the Skype call. "No, Kiri, I am not pulling your leg. I've made my firewall slightly easier for you to crack. You should be done with it within the hour honestly. I just need to see you face to face, is all." He waved dismissively, looking at the red-haired boy through the horrible video quality. "Yeah, we have been dating for almost a year now... You don't know how much I've just wanted to hold you." The boy spoke softly, and smoothly. Izuku stifled, his face growing a soft pink. "J-Just get here soon. I have the place to myself tonight and probably tomorrow as well." He said, causing Kirishima to smirk. "Well, when you put it like that I'll be there within the hour for sure. Be ready~" He gave a cheesy wink as Midoriya's face grew even redder.

As the call ended he huffed. "That absolute flirt." He grumbled, shutting his laptop. He wouldn't put it past the other hacker to take control of his camera to watch him. Then he went into his closet and put on a par of skinny black jeans, and an oversized black hoodie. Then he picked up his laptop, placing it in his case, and slinging the bag around his shoulder. Then he shoved his phone in his pocket and made his way downstairs. It was somewhere between three in the morning to four in the morning. He really did hate waking Kiri up like that, but being the insomniac he is, he wouldn't be able to sleep until he just passes out from exhaustion.

So when it hit midnight, he decided to start working on his firewall, leaving hidden messages and such. So he set up his laptop downstairs, placing his phone next to him, and going to the bar. Yes, he was sixteen, but he could hold his alcohol pretty damn well. On that train of thought, he knew Kiri would probably scold him for this. So he grabbed a bottle of rum and set it to the side. Then he made a cup of black coffee, dumping ridiculous amounts of sugar in, before adding some milk and creamer. Then he added the rum. Before putting it away, he held the bottle to his mouth and took a swig, then placing it on its respective shelf. (Casually thinks about Killian from Once Upon a Time.)

He brought the spiked coffee to the coffee table he had everything set up at, setting it down a good ways away from his computer. He was halfway done with his coffee, as he just finished hacking into the hero's database. The heroes didn't keep everything in one place, practically every little tidbit of information had the utmost protection. "Yes! Oh hell yeah, this is some good stuff." He said excitedly, plugging his USB into his laptop as he transferred the information onto it before he got kicked out. "I cannot wait to see Shiga's face." The thought of his older brother being proud of him made him feel al giddy inside. Izuku practically ran off praise, and if he got yelled at or something by his family his performance would worsen and he sometimes ended up hurting himself on accident.

But he rarely ever got in trouble, and since everything he did was always a success in one way or another, he didn't really have anything to fear. Just then he heard the window fly open. He shut his laptop and dug his hand into the side of the couch, pulling out a full-on hunting knife as he stood. He held it to his chest as he stood by the window. And whenever the person emerged from it, he tugged their collar and slammed them against the wall, the knife close to their throat. "Woah- Izu?" The figure questioned, causing Midoriya to freeze in his place. Looking at the figure, he noticed the red hair and sharp teeth, which quickly caused him to pull away, dropping the knife on the floor. "Oh my goodness! Kiri, I am so sorry!" He quickly apologized. He wondered why he didn't recognize him right away. Oh yeah, he's tipsy.

Somehow Kiri hadn't managed to hear the light slurriness that Izuku was presenting when he spoke. So the red-headed boy just chuckled slightly, going closer to the shorter boy and wrapping an arm around his waist. "You are so much more beautiful in real life than on that crappy computer screen." He spoke in awe, taking in every detail of the boy's face, not truly believing that this was the boy that had fallen in love with him. Midoriya turned a light shade of pink, enhancing his freckles. "W-Well, that's very kind," He paused, blinking his eyes as he started to feel slightly dizzy. How much rum did he add to that coffee? Of riigghhhhttt. A lot. "And you're very handsome." This time the red-head raised a brow at the smallers strange behavior. He smirked suddenly getting an idea. "Hey, Izu?" The boy nodded, telling him to continue. "Can I kiss you?"

The question caught the green sheep off guard, causing his face to go crimson. "Y-Yeah I guess." He said quietly. Not even a second late, Kiri had pulled Mido impossibly closer by his waist, the other hand lifted to his face where he held his cheek softly. Their lips connected, and after a surprised squeak from the smaller boy, he kissed back. A couple of seconds later, Kiri licked the other's lips, asking for entrance, that Izuku happily granted him. As the taller boy slipped his tongue into Midoriya's mouth, he didn't miss the slight bitter sting that the taste of his mouth gave him. Though, he still roamed every inch of the boy's mouth, loving the noises that came from him. After being quite thorough he parted the kiss, causing the green sheep to pant softly.

Kirishima licked his lips softly, before looking over at the coffee table, seeing the mug, "So, you were drinking, right?" He questioned, a smirk on his face as Izuku stiffened. "U-Uh." Was all he could say before the taller sighed. "Don't' worry Izu, I'm not upset. Now let's go sober you up a bit before we continue." 

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