Chapter one

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I applied another layer of red lipstick, checking myself in the mirror and sighing in defeat. My appearance was nice with my face caked in layers after layers of makeup, the foundation resembling a cake, instead of skin.

I had checked out the numerous beauty channels I had grown up with, remembering the do's and don't's. Not that I did not screw up about a million times on winged eyeliner and poke my eye with mascara.

Did I want to go out looking like this? Did I want to show up and flirt with random guys, while resembling a baked doll that had spent a long time in the oven?

Why was I doing this?

This was not me; not even the least.

I was the complete opposite of the girl I was currently becoming. I had been the over-achiever back in high school and university. The girl who worked hard to achieve her goals and had gotten good grades. And during university, all I had done was study and worked during free time to support the place I lived.

I had moved out of my home as soon as I had received my acceptance letter into the university I had wanted to get in, I had moved out within weeks. Over the years, I had grown close with my family, but I felt the need to grow up and start my own life. And besides, I figured there was no need to be a nuisance back home, that since things were so good, then it would not last.

All good things would come to an end eventually.

I pulled on the dress, straightening my breasts, needing the chance to breathe. It was a black, down to the knees, strapless bandage dress. And the heels, the five-inch gold heels, were becoming trouble. They were too tight and small.

I was sure I was going to get blisters the next day.

One night. One night, that's all there is and it will be over.

I sprayed the setting spray all over my face, multiple layers to keep the cake from sliding off. I grabbed the new purse I had bought days prior, stuffing my phone, keys and wallet in it. And a pack of condom.

A few days ago, I had run to the store and bought multiple packs for different sizes. And now I had put them all in the same box, knowing I couldn't possibly take all of the boxes.

I was turning insane, utterly bat crazy.

And with a final look, I hesitated before sliding the material of the dress a little down in order to free my breasts a bit, show a clear image. I needed the attention on my cleavage, thinking it would attract more people.

And I left, not caring about putting on a jacket, even if it was cold outside. It was in the middle of November and the weather had grown chilly over the last few weeks. I had asked my coworker, from the library I worked at, which places were the best for hookups, where one would get to find one. And she had directed me to a bar a few blocks away from my house and I took a cab there. I noticed that even the cabdriver was looking at me funny, but did not say a word.

It was currently past eleven and my nerves were already growing.

As soon as I stepped in the bar, I was hit with a whiff of alcohol. And I was thankful that it was not packed, but instead there were only a few people. Already one or two wasted people, who were half-lying on the bar counter, an empty glass in front of them. I walked to the bar, nerves tingling at the small stares I received. "Hi, can I have a red bull with vodka cocktail?"

The waitress nodded, going ahead to mix my drink.

In the meanwhile, I looked around the place, checking to see the various people. There was a group of friends, clinking their glasses together and laughing. There was an alone man sitting in the far booth, talking on the phone and chugging his drink. And then my attention shifted to a man and a woman, who were in the middle of a conversation.

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