19 3 1

People of earth and aliens of other planet.
How are you?
l hope you are fine and happy,

You must be thinking, why out of nowhere this author is publishing jokes again?
Don't worry I am also thinking the same question.
Well, you see I want to write more because the number of views and votes encouraged me.
I doubt people will read this. We can still hope right?

I think I should not waste your valuable time and start this!

I have one more thing to say....
But we will leave it for next time. Plus I talk too much, I nedd to stop doing that.

PATIENT : Doctor, I think I've been bitten by a vampire.
DOCTOR : Drink this glass of water.
PATIENT : Will this make me better?
DOCTOR : No, but I'll be able to see if your neck leaks.


That is all for today and I promise I will update tomorrow.

JOKES TO LAUGH WHEN YOU ARE SADHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin