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I was only 4-years-old when the faeries beyond the Mên-an-Tol stones taught me how to meditate. They told me of a place between worlds known as The Consecrated Planes, which could only be accessed through deep inner-exploration. Even though I was advanced for my young age, I was still far too inexperienced to attempt such a powerful technique.

I suspected the power of the Antecedents could be tracked within The Consecrated Planes. Although I would have never dared to astrally project myself as a child, I began to wonder if I could manage the feat as an adult. The memories of the days I spent hidden within the thorny thickets of the english countryside had been restored with photographic detail, including every page of the moldering tomes I had pored over by the hundreds while lurking in the faeries' library. I hoped it would be enough.

It took two days of constant meditation to catch a small glimpse of The Consecrated Planes. I collapsed as soon as I emerged from my state, nearly dead from exhaustion. Undeterred, I collected myself and tried again. Three days later, I could not only enter the mysterious void with relative ease but maintain my presence there for a significant time. I was ready.

The next morning, I entered the lotus position and plunged my mind into The Consecrated Planes. I tuned myself to the magick of The Five Antecedents, searching for their power across the entirety of the physical realm without taking a single step upon the ground.

The first accumulation of energy I sensed was so potent it filled me with dread. At once I knew it was the Antecedent that prided himself on his many mantles—Poseidon to the Greeks; Satan to the Christians; Apophis to the Egyptians—a lord of the deepest and darkest places. With an undead army at his command, to confront the old god alone meant certain death.

The next largest presence was almost as overwhelming. Such power could only come from Amma, the West African goddess many humans believed to be the creator of the universe. She too was off limits, for obvious reasons.

The strain of such deep meditation took its toll, and I was running out of time to locate the remaining Antecedents. The immortal being known in modernity as Jesus Christ had somehow concealed his power and was nowhere to be found.

Continuing my search, I located the foul entity known as Bonnacon. The great demon of medieval legend was at rest, nestled in a treacherous system of caves. His energy had been clouded by insanity, making it difficult to predict the outcome of our encounter. Ultimately, I deemed the risk too great.

Finally, there was Danica, the great Leshi. Her power was lesser than the other four, but still immense. To face such an opponent—a notorious shapeshifter—would be no easy task, but it was my best chance at restoring the lost magick of the Aloja. The beast made her home in Siberia, deep in a forbidden forest where no man could survive. After exiting The Consecrated Planes and regaining a modicum of strength, I set off at once to face my target.

ALOJA: The Journal of Pteridophia Anteres LuminaWhere stories live. Discover now