Chapter one

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Hi. Let me introduce myself. I am a munchkin pie. You might not know what that is, but trust me, you don't want to know! Haha! I like eating mushrooms. But not just any kind of mushrooms. They have to be pink.

Now, munchkin pies live in the ancient forest known as the Squishy Squashy Forest. Yes, yes, I know, I know, it is a strange name, but it is ancient after all. I love the forest. It's no ordinary forest. It has mini trees that are purple and little forest creatures. Oh by the way munchkin pies are cannibals but we mostly eat mushrooms as well.

Munchkin pies must look out for dragons. Dragons eat munchkin pies. It's part of the food chain, look it up. Now that you know a bit about wonderful me, this is my story.

It all started when I was born of course. Munchkin pies have an extremely good memory, so I remember being born. It was lovely. My mother was very kind. Sadly I ate her after I was born because newborn munchkin pies are very hungry.

I am going to let you in on a little secret because I have a feeling I can trust you. The word munchkin comes from my species. It is derived from the mysterious practice of cannibalism, but of a unique form. We eat our family, which is what kin means. And our preferred method of eating them is munching. So that is how the word and term munchkin came about. We also look like pies.

After finishing my meal which was my mother, I walked around and found my humble abode. Munchkin pies live in cactuses because they are spiky and moist. My favourite. When munchkin pies are bored, we like to have a nice bonding session over a cactus raising, which is where Amish people got the idea. If you didn't already know, anything and everything that exists to this day came from the ancient ancestors of munchkin pies. We are quite famous.

After I settled in, I was feeling slightly peckish, so I endeavored on a quest to find a stash of pink mushrooms. Along the way I nibbled on a munchkin pie, who screamed and spurted out orange juice before I finally killed it.

At last I found a whole field of pink mushrooms. I ate one extremely quickly then began to feel very sick. And not because I ate too quickly. I had actually eaten a blue mushroom, but someone tricked me by dying it pink. I began coughing and spluttering and pooing out sparkles until I died. But then I came back to life fortunately.

I ran into the wilderness to explore and learn more about my dear ancestors. I came across a strange tribe of munchkin pies who were performing a quirky ritual of chanting and dancing around a green fire. They were speaking a different language, but there was one word I recognized. Goblin which means dragon in ancient pie (the original munchkin pie language). I started panicking. They were calling upon dragons to come and destroy the younger generation of munchkin pies.

I decided to join in with the ancients and tried my best to dance and chant. But they all just stopped and stared at me like I was a mushroom. I was so insulted I started crying. They started to throw spears at me. And I know what you're thinking. No. Not that kind of spear. Munchkin pie spears are feathers, which may sound ridiculous, but feathers are lethal and can lead to an unfortunate death of a munchkin pie if it hits us in the weanus. I did not want to risk that since id only been alive for less than a day and I was enjoying my life so much.

I fainted on the ground and my whole world was suddenly black. When I woke up after 3 seconds, the ancients were poking at me to see if I was alive. I suddenly felt a burning anger inside of me. I rose up slowly and began stomping one foot to create a sick beat. I sang.
"You think the only munchkins who are munchkins, are the munchkins who look and think like you..."

They stared at me with awe and wonder in their eyes. I had done it. I had convinced the ancients to let me live. But then they threw more spears at me.

I ran away into the Squishy Squashy Forest as fast as I could. Night was beginning to fall. Nighttime is when the dragons come out to play. I had to get back to my humble abode pronto.

I ran and ran and ran and stopped for a little mushroom snack on the way. It was getting darker by the second. I was running when I crashed into a figure. It was a fellow munchkin pie. But this was no ordinary munchkin pie. This was a lady pie. And she was beautiful.

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