Bad Luck Charm

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Bad Luck Charm - Jeff Williams

Reminds me of: Qrow

This one seems like an obvious choice for this playlist. It was literally written about Qrow, his semblance, and how he doesn't think he should be around people. 

This song has been one of my favorites from all the RWBY soundtracks. It's about my favorite character, and it's an amazingly written song, full of emotions that are often overlooked. I relate the most to Qrow, so I relate to the words in his song a lot. The idea of being alone, while daunting, often feels like the healthier and safer choice. RWBY is known for it's soundtrack with a wide range of emotions, and this definitely fits that. 

I kinda want to see a reversal of this song where it's about Clover, and maybe a little less metal. A softer, luckier version of this song, would really make me happier. I know it won't have the exact same feel as Bad Luck Charm, but I think it would point to their relationship being more than work buddies. Take notes Jeff Williams, that would be really cool.

Tell me what you think! Do you like this song, and why? Is there a song you think fits this playlist, cause I would love to hear it! 

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