Chapter 11

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Kriss stared at Haydee, not wanted her to ask the question she knew was coming. "Magic. Was it worth becoming a vampire and dying just to get your own magic?" Kriss thought about the question. She didn't want to answer it at first, trying not to give the wrong impression. "I hoped I wouldn't get that question until you were sixteen," Kriss said and rubbed her legs, "I don't think its a choice for everyone. Not for Siphoners or even regular people. Being a vampire is very difficult. A lot of strong emotions." Haydee nodded and Kriss didn't look her directly in the eye just yet. "But, without dying I wouldn't have ever gotten a life. I would've never met you or Finn. So yes. It was worth it for me." Haydee looked like she wanted to ask something else. "I didn't have what you have though. My mother had to search to find me magic. You can siphon from me and Finn for the rest of your natural life. Or you could find a life outside of magic altogether."

"I'd never forget it. The way it feels. I'd always miss it." Haydee fidgeted with her fingers.

"Yeah, me too. Alright, let's get up and get ready for dinner," Kriss stood up and dusted off her pants then helped Haydee, "I think I saw Finn go to that special fish market on fifth street and got crab legs."

"I love crab."

"I know. It must be a special occasion," Kriss told her and watched as she ran inside the house. Kriss cleaned up the candles.

During dinner, Kriss and Haydee ate their crab legs like savages while Finn just watched. "You don't like crab?"

"It's not really a huge part of European cuisine." He picked up the three on his plate then put it back down.

"But it's delicious and you can dip it in butter," Haydee explained with her mouth full of garlic bread and butter dripping down her chin.

"And you have to eat it with your hand and tear it apart with your fingers," he said and pushed the plate away from him.

"Why did you cook it if you weren't going to eat any?" Kriss asked. Her face was shiny from the butter too.

"I thought one of Haydee's favorites would be the best for what we had to talk about," Finn said and looked to Kriss. She finally registered what he meant, "But I think we have to talk about it away from butter."

After they finished, Kriss cleaned up the plates as Finn took Haydee into the other room. "Kriss and I have spoken about this and there is something we'd like to talk about." Finn started. She quickly finished cleaning and walked in to see them on the couch. The papers were set out in front of her. Kriss came to stand behind Finn.

"What's this?" Haydee picked it up and started reading.

"We want to put you on the deed to the house," he told her.

"So I own the house?" Haydee asked with wide eyes.

"No," Kriss said sternly, "You're alive so you can say who comes and who goes."

"Well she kind of does," Finn started to say but Kriss's vampire eyes and glare shut him up, "Not exactly. If anything were to happen to Krissette or I, you would own the house. It would be yours completely."

"But, we are immortal so don't exactly count on it," Kriss said and Finn handed Haydee a pen. They signed the papers then Kriss and Finn were expelled from the house. Haydee invited them back in and they went about the rest of the night as nothing had ever happened.

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