Disastrous Morning for my Introverted self

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Wanna know how life works? let me tell you.

Life is just a tool. A tool that creates more tool by mating. We were born just to populate this world. We were born so we can create, destroy, innovate things from different Eras. People are just stepping stone and a magnificent tool. They have this mentality that, if a person is very kind, they tend to abuse it. To the point they would snapped. People claim to be in your corner but leaves you when in times of need. 

If you're useful, you can hangout with them and if you are not, they'll throw you out. Take us introverts as an example, we avoid interaction,  but these "Extroverts", tends to take us out in our comfort zone. They will always say this lines,"You need to step out of your comfort zone" "You need to interact to other people so you can grow as a human being" "You need to socialize so you can know better about the other people".  Heck, there's a a lot of introverted people who made an influence in the world.  

If you're wondering why is my perception of life is absurd? It because for a High School Boy... i'm sorry, let me rephrase that, for an Eccentric High School such as myself, everything is absurd. Now, Let me tell you how an Eccentric High School Boy, with no dreams, objectives lives his High School life.

Nagasaka Shuuya POV

I woke up early, eat breakfast, and took a bath. Then went to school one hour before class. You might be wondering why i go to school early, It's because i hate riding a crowded train. You could call me an introvert? i think introvert is the appropriate word that describe my behavior.  As i was riding the early train, i saw the one of the most popular girl in our school. 

"She is reading a book.... wait... is that.. a Manga?" (Manga refers to Japanese Comics)

She noticed that i was looking at her. She got embarrassed and hid it right away. She is acting weird.. fidgeting and glancing at me. 

"Ah, she's walking towards me"

As she walks towards, she keeps her usual smiling face. 

"Good Morning, Nagsaka-kun" ("Kun" is an informal word and mostly used for males, such as boys)

I then closed my booked which is a manga also, and replied to her with my facade smile.

"Good Morning, Hiroki-san"  ("San" is a formal way of addressing someone such as Mr, Ms and Mrs)

"I kept my facade face as i ask her what the heck does she want.  "Uhm.. Do you need something from me?" I thought her coming to me is annoying. I'd rather want her greet me from afar.

"How is your day going?" She asked me with a distressed face. 

"Huh?-, Ah. I mean, Good..? i guess? i mean it's still morning so.."  I answered her with a little anxiety.

Then she snapped. "Did you see it?" She asked me with furious face. I am shook with her acting like this. Because normally you can see her as a perfect girl, a caring and gentle girl. Then i asked her with severe anxiety and sweat. 

"Pardon?" i said. 

"Did you see it? The one i was reading?" she asked me again with a furious face.

"Ah- you mean the Manga-" Then she yelled as she knelt down"

"AHHHHH! I was seen. Now other students from the school is gonna know that i am an otaku."

("Otaku" is a  Japanese term for people with obsessive interests, particularly in anime and manga) 

Then, i smirked a bit. "Pfft-" I wasn't able to contain it. I apologized.

 "Pardon me, for laughing, it's just that you kneeling down let me saw your panties for bit"    

I got slapped. After i got slapped, she called me Jerk.


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