Disastrous Morning for my Introverted self (Part 2)

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I got slapped. 

"Damn. That hurts! That Bitch! I'll make her pay someday.... or Maybe not. It's such a hassle"

After i got slapped, i walked out of the train station and go to our school. As i enter our school premises, a huge cold wind blew. "Ah.. This is why i love going to school an hour early. It's so peaceful.  I walked to my classroom and encounter some teachers. I greeted them as an honor student, which is a facade of mine. "Good Morning, Sensei" And they greeted back. "Good Morning, Nagasaka-kun" 

("Sensei" is in its most basic sense a covers-all Japanese word for a teacher) 

I sat down at my chair, which is located at the farthest row at the back, near the window. I know, it feels like i'm the protagonist of some shoujo manga. I kept telling myself that. 

("Shoujo Manga"  is a manga aimed at a teenage female target-demographic readership.)

I continued reading the manga, the one i was reading at the train and then fell asleep. As i fell asleep, my only friend, Nagishima Chuuya.. woke me up. 

"Oi. Shuu. Oiii~! The bell just rung. Wake up." 

"Huh?" I answered with a sleepy voice and face. "What time is it?" i asked. 

"It's 8:30 already. You slept for an hour." Chuuya answered. 

"I see. We have History for first subject this morning right? Then P.E at afternoon"

"Yeah. You... Don't tell you're gonna skip P.E again?" Chuuya said with a feeling down face. 

"Yeah. I hate P.E especially we have soccer this time. Don't worry, i'll attend next time... if its indoor that is.." 

Morning Class flew fast and now it's lunch time. Chuuya asked me to eat with them... with her girlfriend.. he knew that i don't like interacting to other people, especially with girls. Because i am bad at acting in front of them. My facade could crumble in any moment if i talk to them for more than five minutes. 

"It's ok. You and your girlfriend should have lunch together. I go eat at my usual spot" 

"Ok... If you say so. Eat well ok. Don't just eat bread crusts"

"I know." 

I like eating at the rooftop. The Air feels so nice. It feels peaceful and Quiet. A perfect spot to take a nap and read. Is what i used to think, but the bitch that slapped me this morning is here, laughing like an idiot. 

"That's a huge laugh there. Be careful. Your stomach might ache" i said it  with a cold monotone.

"Wha-!?. What are you doing here?!" she said with a furious and embarrassed face.. again.. 

"That't my line. What are you doing here?... oh.. what a foolish question. You are here because you want to finish that manga right? Pardon me." i said it with the intent to irritate her.  

"Wha-?! You jerk how dare you make fun of me-" 

The wind blew so hard that it blew her skirt up. Making her Panties show for bit. 

"That's new. Did you change your Panties this morning-, Gaaa!" I got slapped... again.. 

I swear to god... That bitch...

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