Author's Note

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I keep stumbling upon books with an ONC label, which is why, last night, I have decided to finally look up what ONC meant, and here I am!

The prompts (themes) were very interesting and exciting so I've decided to challenge myself and make this 20,000-word novella as my entry for the Open Novella Contest 2020!

I can't wait to write out the story for you guys to enjoy!

PROMPT: 43. The ghosts in my house wouldn't be so bad if they could just stop trying to cook.

Arabella Washington is trying to find the rat that keeps eating her food. Bags of chips are opened, crumbled and grated cheese scattered on the floor and broken eggs in the fridge! It has been driving her mad, day in and day out, she finds the ingredients to random dishes laid out on her kitchen counter as if a crime scene of an intruder was trying to make a meal while she was asleep! She tried asking for help but the police need more proof than an uncapped bottle of soy sauce and an opened bag of chips.

What mystery lies behind the walls of Apartment 10B? You are all welcome to join her as she discovers the truth!

Themes: light swearing, good for teens and young adults. Funny, Paranormal, and a little time-travelling. Friendship and Romance. And the very best theme of all, FOOD!


Miss Belle Vincent

My Guest in Apartment 10BWhere stories live. Discover now