Part 2- School and secrets

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While still asleep in bed Danny heard an alarm clock go off, he fell right out of bed and it took a while for Danny to get off the ground as Danny got off the floor, he groaned slightly as he realized what time it is, it was 6:20 am. Danny eventually headed to the kitchen after getting dressed as well as ready for school, as he entered the kitchen he saw breakfast on the table, he sat down and ate. Jazz joyfully said as she quickly got a seat at the kitchen table "Good morning Danny!" Jazz ruffled up Danny's hair "M-Mornin' j-Jazz..."Danny said smiles softly while almost falling asleep at breakfast

-At school-
Once Danny and Jazz made it to school, Danny didn't really know what class to go to so he wandered around the halls for a bit until he heard the lunch bell and headed to lunch. When Danny finally arrived to lunch, his stomach started growling loudly, he hoped the school lunches here were better than the school lunches back at his original school, he quickly approached the lunch line and unfortunately there was a pretty decent line, while trying to get to the end of the line he ended up accidentally bumping into a drama geek(Gabe), "watch were your going new kid," the drama geek angrily glared at Danny, Danny then replied immediately feeling like a complete jerk after bumping into this kid"sorry I didn't see you there" "psh..whatever"the drama geek said as he stormed off angrily.

-during class -
While in class Danny was tapping his pencil in class, he laid his head on his desk and started to zone in and out of whatever the teacher was saying until a power outage happened. Danny practically jumped out of his seat and raised his hand pleading the teacher to go to the bathroom when really he was going to transform into Danny Phantom "May I go to the bathroom please?!" Before the teacher could respond Danny ran out the door and headed out to the bathroom, while in the bathroom, Danny silently hoped that this was false alarm since he actually wanted to go back to class.

As Danny got closer to bathroom he realized that this might not be a false alarm so he entered the male's bathroom and transformed into Danny Phantom, he made sure that there was no one around to see him transform. he flew out of the school quickly and started to look around the area for any ghosts or person that might be causing any trouble, Danny noticed that some smoke and some emergency vehicles at one building so he flew over to it, he floated inside the building cautiously until he heard a voice "I'm guessing that you're probably one of rook's lackeys, ghostie" before Danny could actually do an appropriate reaction, Quick Charge electrocuted Danny just by touching him,he screamed in pain after being electrocuted,Danny attempted to concentrate, he eventually blasted Quick Charge with a ecto-energy blast in which she stopped electrocuting Danny and she then said tauntingly while smiling" so Ghostie wants to play tag"

Danny gulped slightly as he blasted at Quick Charge with his Ice Powers now thinking that maybe he can stop whoever this is with his Ice Powers and actually he froze half of Quick Charge's body accidentally while panicking internally, after trapping Quick Charge, Danny tried to quickly leave since he didn't want to be on tv or bothered by the media, while leaving he was like swarmed by reporters and random civilians, Danny started screaming internally 'why me!!!!' So Danny turned invisible so he could get away more effectively and it was successful.

How's everyone during Quarantine?

*Hint*I'm Dying of Boredom*Hint*

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