Chapter One - New Apartment, New Technology

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"Mike, are you serious right now?"

"Of course I am, Dave! It'll work out just fine! An apartment room holding all five of us will work out great!" The two men were driving to the place where their new apartment was waiting for them. It was small, with only two bedrooms, a normal sized living room, little kitchen and two small bathrooms, but it should be perfect for a bunch of twenty three year olds and one twenty one year old.

One of those twenty three year olds was Mike, who had planned the whole idea of getting an apartment room together anyway. Another one of them was Dave, who was sitting beside Mike in the old beat up car that they bought a few months ago from a guy down the street from Mike's parents' house. He didn't believe they would make this work, but he had hope that once he saw it, they'll be okay. That's what they were discussing at the moment. "I just really think that there won't be enough room there. And are you sure that all of us will be able to pay for it each month?

"We don't have to worry about paying for it each month. I bought it, remember? We only have to worry about the other things, like cell phone and electric bills, but that should be more than doable with five of us living there."

"But Brad doesn't have a job yet, and we don't know when he'll find one either," Dave brought up.

Mike was well aware of that and had kept that in mind while he was planning. "There's still four of us with decent paying jobs. And you gotta think, I'm usually able to sell some of my art for tons of money. Keeping this place should be a piece of cake."

"If you say so," Dave mumbled. They had pulled up in front of the little apartment place. The other three guys were already waiting there for them, setting up furniture and things like that, so the two didn't have to worry about unlocking the door.

Mike stopped the car and the two got out. The apartment wasn't as small as Dave thought it was and looked very nice on the outside. They walked in and saw that the living room was already mostly set up. "Good job, guys!" Mike smiled while looking around, seeing that the place looked better than it did yesterday when he bought it.

"Hey, guys," Brad greeted them.

"Hey," they told him.

"I'm gonna need to go to the store and buy food and drinks. I brought sandwich stuff in a cooler for you guys just in case. It's beside the kitchen entrance. Don't eat all of it," he said to them then walked out, keeping the door open.

"So, how much is done?" Dave asked, curious to how much work was achieved.

Rob, who was the twenty one year old of the apartment, walked into the room and said, "We just need to finish up the bedrooms. We figured that we'd do all that once you two got here so we can discuss how we're gonna do it, since there's five of us and only two of them."

"I told you yesterday, I'm gonna sleep in the small storage room in the back," Mike reminded him. "It'll be like my little private room. You and Brad can sleep in one room, and Dave and Joe can sleep in the other room."

"I just wanted to make sure, I think we'll be able to fit another bed into one of the rooms for you," Rob explained to him.

"No, you guys need all the room you can get. The bed in the storage room will be perfectly okay with me. I promise."

Rob smiled and said, "Okay. If that's what you want," then he went into the kitchen to fix him a sandwich since he was starving.

"Hahn! Where you at?!" Mike called out while him and Dave walked into a bedroom. Joe was in there putting down a mattress. "There you are," Mike said as him and Dave walked up to him. "How's it going in here?"

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