Chapter Two - Stranger in a Gas Station

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Mike walked into the living room to grab his car keys. Him and the guys have been in their apartment for a day. No one was worried at all now, especially Dave. Mike knew they were worried for no reason. All the rooms were set up, except for Mike's. He still had things to get from his parents' house, then his room will finally be set up. "Hey, I'm going to be getting the rest of my stuff," he told Joe as he walked out the door.

"Got it," he said. "Stay safe, okay?"

Mike nodded, then walked out. He got in the car then drove off down the road. He stopped by a gas station before he left the town completely. His car was almost out of gas, and it was going to be a little bit of a far drive.

He went into the gas station, and got up to the counter. The woman behind it smiled at him and said, "Hello, sir. What can I help you with?"

"Hey, um, can I get g-"

Mike was interrupted from the sound of the door opening up and closing abruptly. Mike and the woman looked over at the door to see a man panting for air. "Sir, are you okay?" The woman asked him.

The man looked over to them and said, "Y-yes, I am," then he straightened himself up and said, "I just need a drink. Thank you for your concern though." He looked over to where the coolers were then he walked over to them.

Mike watched him as he walked. He had just the slightest sway in his hips as he moved forward, and such a timid posture with his arms close to his chest and his hands rubbing together. He was nervous, and probably hiding from someone from what it looked like.

Mike looked outside and saw that his car was the only one out there in the front. He must've ran all the way here, Mike assumed as he looked at the man more. He had shaved brown hair, pale skin, thick black rimmed glasses, and his body structure was very thin. He had small black earrings in and his fingernails were painted a metallic silver color.

Mike would've observed him more, but the women asked, "Mister?" Mike got snapped out of his thoughts. He looked back to her as she said, "What was it that you needed?"

"Oh yeah. I need gas at tank 4," he said then glanced at the man in the back one more time. He was still looking for something to drink. "How much are the drinks here?"

"A dollar twenty-five."

Mike pulled out his wallet then got the money out for the drink, and handed it to the cashier. She took the money as he explained, "This is for his drink," with a head nod to the man back there.

"Are you sure?" She asked as she eyed the money in her hands.

"Yeah, he looks like he needs help," he said. Mike was going to take pity on this man, since he didn't come here by car, which meant he had to have ran, and he looked exhausted. He also seemed very scared of something. He might have a hard time getting home if he doesn't get help.

"Wow, you're a nice guy," the cashier stated as she put the money in the register and got out Mike's change. "I wouldn't really do something like that. You never know what someone might do."

"I don't think he's any harm," Mike assured her. "I just want to help him get back home, that's all."

She nodded then handed Mike his receipt and change. "Be careful," she said. Mike nodded then walked over to the guy.

"Hey," he said when he got beside him. "Do you need some help?"

The man didn't look up at him when he replied back in a quiet voice, "Yes." He paused for a few seconds before he said a bit louder, "That would be nice." Mike was able to hear that he had a soft voice, higher than the average voice. It reminded him of someone, but he shrugged it off. "What would you recommend?" The guy asked.

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