Chapter Four - The Plan and The Name

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"I woke up in a big factory room," C started explaining. "My creator was there and he took me to his home after he knew I was working properly. He lives in Phoenix, Arizona. That is the place I ran from, so you can imagine how long I had been running."

"How long?"

"Let us just say that if I were a normal human, it would have taken me about five to six days to get here, but it took me three days."

Mike's eye widened from hearing that. "Oh my God, you ran for three days straight?"

The a.i. nodded and continued, "I have better physical health than the healthiest human alive. My creator made me himself, with the help of a few other people. I do not remember why he made me, however I do know it was for his own personal gain. I do not remember much from the majority of my time being alive either. I only remember when I woke up in the factory and was taken to his home. I vaguely remember him and I in a room together once, but it is so far back and many pieces are missing from the file. It is honestly corrupt now. I also have the memory of... making the scars on my arms. I got a-"

"You don't need to go into detail about that," Mike told him, since he could tell the a.i. was about to cry. That was the last thing he wanted to see come from him. He wanted to see him smile, and for him to be happy, since it seems obvious that the a.i. hasn't had a great existence so far.

"Are you certain? It might help with my life story, and bring some realism to it," C pointed out.

"I don't want you to be upset though," Mike told him.

"It will be okay, Michael. I can always turn my emotions off to make myself not feel anything from the memory."

"You sure?"

The a.i. nodded, causing Mike to sigh in defeat. "Okay, but don't be too real about it. Just... tell me what exactly you did, but in a non descriptive way."

C nodded, then he turned off his emotions. His voice came out lifeless as he said, "I remember taking a knife out of my creator's kitchen when he was asleep. I then went to the bathroom, and made cuts in my forearms that should have been fatal, but my creator found me before my body completely died out, and fixed it to where I had an unlimited amount of blood flow. If I were to get cut now, my blood would be a cyan blue color, and will continue to bleed with no fatal consequences."

He turned his emotions back on, and quickly shifted to a happy thought, "But that means now I can never die, unless my harddrive gets damaged, or anything that can kill a human happens."

"That's so crazy... that I can't really put that into the life story, C."

"Why not?" The a.i. asked with concern showing on his face.

"Well... human's don't have blue blood, so if I were to tell the guys that, they'd find out you were an a.i. and this would've been somewhat pointless," Mike explained to him the best way he could without hurting the a.i.'s feelings by any chance.

"Oh," he said. "That makes sense. Then I guess... we can just say that the cuts were from self harm, and keep it at that."

"That's good," Mike said. "Now, I'm curious about something," Mike asked. This made the a.i. raise an eyebrow as he looked at him carefully. "Why did you cut yourself anyway?"

"I can not tell you why. Once again, I did not want the memories of what happened in my time with my creator, so I got rid of them all, including all memories from the time I got to his home to the time the accident occured. I decided afterwards that I could not stay there anymore. He had seen the scars and tried to force me into a pod so he could restore my erased memories. He wanted to know why I had did it, and I could not tell him. I was able to escape, and that's how I ended up at the gas station, not mentioning the people I ran into before you."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2020 ⏰

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