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Hey everyone! It's your friendly neighborhood author here to come out and say hey I'm bad at writing. I have a learning disability called dysgraphia and it basically means I'm bad at writing. I have a hard time remembering and grasping writing rules, writing concepts, pronunciation, and pretty much everything that has to do with writing. This is a very simplified explanation of dysgraphia. Dysgraphia is more than just "can't write good" disorder but this is my way of simply describing it to people who don't know what it is. You can, of course, learn more by searching it up on google or asking me! I'm always happy to answer any questions!

Thankfully I can read just fine but because of my dysgraphia, I have a hard time being able to prove that through my writing. Because of this, I thought it is a good idea to practice and improve my writing through one-shots in this very kind community. Thomas Sanders and his sides have been a huge inspiration for me and for a very long time I wanted to do something for the community. Thomas and the community have been helping me get through a lot of personal stuff that's been happening to me recently and I thought I'd at least try to give back to the community! I'm going to say not that this book isn't going to be the best as some other One-shot books and the updates are going to be very slow but if you wish to stay (maybe request a thing or two) I'll give it my all to make this book the best that I can possibly make it! Well without further ado my name is Issac and welcome to my sander sides one-shot book!

Let's start off with some rules (for my sake)

Please be respectful. To me and other people that so happen to show up in the comments. Rude or not I really hope there are no arguments in the comments. I want us all to have a good time and enjoy the experience.

No smut, please. I'm not very comfortable with full-on smut but I might do some slight suggestive request.

If I need to tag something please don't hesitate to tell me! I want everyone to be happy so if I forget to tag something for a trigger warning ill do it! No trigger is too "silly" or "small" if you tell me to tag ill tag.

This one slightly piggybacks off of rule one but if you decide to give me some criticism please make it constructive criticism. I'm still learning and again this will be challenging for me with my dysgraphia. And another small reminder my update schedule will be out of whack. I go to an early college school so I'm very busy. So please no "plz update!!!!!1111111111!!!!!11" comments. Sorry guys.

And as my last rule, have fun! This is for everyone to enjoy and I'm so excited to write for you guys and to hear back from yall! I've been in this community for a while and I'm just so excited to see where this adventure takes me!

I will make a request! It might take me a while to get to them but I'll do it some time or another! Please leave your request here on this page! I'll do any sander side ship or x reader request as long as it's...

Not smut

Doesn't make me too uncomfortable (but I doubt we'll run into this problem unless it's really really gory)

And the request is specific! I want it to be almost exactly how the person who requested exactly how they envisioned it! You don't have to give me every single little detail but the more specific the better if it's too vague I'll try to message you and ask if you can be a bit more specific. I might change a few details but it'll never be too drastic.

Thank you for giving this book a read. I'll try to make it the best I can and I'm just so excited for all of you! Sometimes I'll sprinkle my own headcanons or ships into some one-shots or I'll put in some aus I've heard about on Tumblr but never on a request unless specified. I can't wait to hear from all of you and if you want to learn more about me just ask! Again thank you for giving this book a read and thank you to all of the community for being there for me. This is Issac signing out.

And psst I'm probably going to make a lot of random edits to some stories since I'm a perfectionist. Sorry in advance 

'Words Trapped In My Soul.' Sander Sides One-ShotWhere stories live. Discover now