Absent Ears (Logan Centric)

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T.w: This is a vent writing for me so it's very unedited and messy. 

T.w: Unsympathetic sides? I'm not sure about this one there just kids.

Highschool AU

No ships I hope you enjoy reading

Logan Sanders got off the bus with a sigh. He walked slowly to the front doors of the school where he had to show his school ID to enter. He flashed a smile at the teachers in front of the door while showing his ID and walked in. He began to feel grim when walking to the library to meet up with his friends. He had no idea why he felt this way and just brushed it off and walked through the library doors greeted with a wide smile from Patton. "Logan! Logan! Check out this new song I found on Youtube! It's about puppies!!!!!!" Logan smiled and sat down next to Patton while Patton shoved his headphones into Logans' chest. Logan put on the headphones and listened while he didn't share Patton's enthusiasm he could see why Patton liked it so much. It was a very....Patton song. 

Despite not liking the song much, he let Patton talk about it and the song artist. Logan didn't mind Patton's rambles, he loved it when his friends shared their interest with him. He loved seeing their faces light up with excitement when talking about there interest, and how they seem to forget about their worries for just a second. Patton keeps talking till Roman and Virgil arrive with breakfast they bought on the way to school. Patton and Logan thank Roman and Virgil while the teenagers sit putting the food and their bags down. They eat and talk till the bell rings then they go their separate ways. 

Logan doesn't have his lunch period with Patton, Roman, or Virgil so he decides to take the time alone to do his reading. He doesn't mind eating alone because through most of his middle school years Virgil would make comments about the food that made him feel sick to his stomach and end up giving his lunch to Roman or Patton. He reads to himself but can't help but think to that morning when Patton was talking about that new song he loved so much. They've had mornings like that million of times where Patton, Roman or Virgil will talk about there interest. They would go on and on about something new they found or a celebrity they've been obsessing over and Logan would happily listen. Though.....he can't help but think about all the times he's tried to do the same but instead of them listening they would tell him that it's stupid or that it's weird. 

He would want to talk about space but Patton would direct the convocation elsewhere and start talking about a puppy he saw on the sidewalk. He would try to tell Roman about the post he saw about the new X-Man movie but Roman would ignore him or interrupt him saying he didn't care. He'd tell Virgil about the new pokemon game he just bought but Virgil would only tune him out midsentence while putting on his headphone blasting his music. Logan put his book down giving up on trying to read and felt himself tearing up. Maybe he was being a little dramatic but he wished that for once his friends would listen to him like he always listened to them. The bell rings singling lunch is over and that he needs to head over to the 5th period he wiped his eyes put his book away and walked to class.

The next day when he walked off the bus and headed to the library to meet his friends he felt that familiar grim feeling in his stomach though he pushed it aside like always. Virgil was there early with Patton and they talked about a show that came out that year. Logan being familiar with the show tried to speak up to let them know that he'd finish the session and would love to discuss the dynamics of the characters, the character development, and maybe a few mistakes he had seen. Though they ignored him and all Logan can do is sigh.

They continued to talk about how they hope the next session comes out soon. Logan used to this treatment doesn't try to speak up again and turns to his phone. When Roman shows up with coffee as usual they lift there heads to greet him and notice Logan sitting on his phone. "Oh hey LoLo when did you get here?" Logan chooses not to respond not feeling the energy to do so. "Hey, Earth to Logan Pat asked you a question." Logan frowns but looks up. "Oh sorry yeah, I just got here sorry." "oh ok!" The rest of them talk and laugh while Logan just keeps his head down. Its always been like this for him ever since elementary. He's always been the black sheep the one that no one notices and when you do you easily forget him. Its been like this forever and in his mind, it will always stay like this. He keeps his head down at his phone while sighing and mindlessly scrolls through Instagram till he gets a message from an old friend. 

Happy Pride Month! Please don't hesitate to tell me to add T.W. Love yall

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