The Dark Sides (Janus and Remus Centric)

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T.w Abuse.  T.W cursing.  T.w unsympathetic Patton.    t.w unsympathetic Roman. 

let me know if I missed any   

Request?: nah

platonic Remus and Deceit High school au

And this was before Janus Name reveal.

Dee Foster was always the smaller brother. Not because he's the younger sibling or that he's very small for someone his age. But because he's never truly stood out like his brother Patton. At least not in a positive way. He was smart, got average grades, was always very quiet, and never really talked much. However, he did have the tendency to lash out and be very sarcastic. He was arrested various times for graffiti and being places he definitely shouldn't be (how did he get on the roof of the school????? Most teachers didn't even know where the entrance was to get on the roof.) These factors along with other numerous things he's done are all factors of a stereotypical "bad kid." When asked by his parents they'd say that Patton was more likely to have a successful life and to thrive once he graduated from high school. Of course, they'd never say that to their youngest son's face. But with the way they act around him, he knows. It's fairly obvious with the not so quiet whispers and late-night talks his parents have with each other and their friends. His parent's friends, teachers, and other observers don't see why he acts out like this considering he comes from a seemingly loving household and non-traumatic childhood. However, Dee always has a purpose for almost all the things he does. Though most people don't know it he's a very calculated man. In his mind, every action has a purpose. His best friend Remus Kingsly knows the almost exact reason behind Dee's actions.

It's not Dee's fault he's never been as "well behaved" as most. Yes, his actions are completely his fault but, his reasoning behind them is not. In his eyes at least. Every other generation of his family on his father's side has been diagnosed with a compulsive lying disorder. He's a pathological liar which means that he lies a lot for no apparent reason. Of course, he's not a bad person because of that. He's not a bad person at all really when you get to know him. He simply lies even when he doesn't want to and it's caused some.....problems. See his grandpa's brother or his great uncle was also diagnosed with a lying disorder. And like Dee, he wasn't a bad person but was painted in a bad light because of his disorder. Because of the way his great uncles' parents treated him and acted around him his brother (dees grandpa) did not treat him well either. This caused his great uncle to act out as well. Some would say it's almost scary how similar they were in their methods of acting out. Because of this Dee's father grew up thinking people with that disorder are inherently bad. So when his son was born and diagnosed at 6 you can imagine the anger and neglect that came from Dee's father. This sparked a few....passionate arguments to put it lightly between the family. Dee's mother had a different reaction when she learned of Dee's disorder. She had loved both of her sons very much and would deny any accusations of favoritism. She wanted them to live long fulfilling lives and did everything in her power to make sure of that. However, once she learned of his disorder she did everything in her power to support him. She didn't understand the disorder and like every good mother, she tried to learn about it. Sadly however she stumbled upon websites that.... let's just say weren't very friendly towards people with any disorder really and like to incriminate them. She was led to the impression that after a few stern punishments it would go away and Dee would "shape up." After around 20 different punishments varying in severity, she decided that the website she read and her husband were right. Her youngest son was a bad person. She loved him dearly but didn't show it in a healthy way. If you ask her or Dee today if she still loves him they'll both hesitate on the answer.

As Dee got older he grew more distant from his parents but the first few years he always had his brother. They did everything together and wouldn't trade each other for the world. As the brothers got older and their father's words and actions became more hurtful and frequent Patton somewhere along the road had begun to believe his brother was a bad person. This was when Dee began lashing out. The years since he's been diagnosed have been full of yelling sharp words at home and even sharper words and more physical bruises appeared during his school years. School life had been no easier than life at home. With strict teachers and shity kids. At first, Patton protected him and did his best to make him feel safe but after harsh words from his father he stopped. For the years before his sophomore year, he had little to no friends and he had given up on trying. But after one very...odd lunch period he had somehow left with a...friend? At the time he didn't know what to call him. A crackhead? A garbage man? A walking chaotic force that'll probably burn the school down any minute? He didn't know all he knew for certain is that his name was Remus Kingsley someone like most people didn't know Dee was a pathological liar. But unlike most people when they found out he didn't care. In fact, he treated him like he treated everyone else. With too much honesty and no trust at all. But after a few months of dumb jokes, lots of sarcasm, and mutual confusion, they became friends. They made nicknames for each other. Dees being Deceit and Remus being The Duke (an inside joke between the two that's much too long of a story) but mostly still being called Re or simply his name. They also liked to call themselves the "dark sides" because they're always being told that they should be more like their brothers. They both came to learn that they both had the misfortune of growing up in there much more popular brother's shadow. They bonded over having parents who refused to understand them and brothers who treated them like they were the scum of the earth. They loved musicals and both had a strong dislike for hawks.

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