The Couple

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In the morning, Darla was playing with Mary and Laika in their backyard. Mary and Darla were eating chocolates, and Laika was eating a heart shaped pink cookie. However, Darla was hogging lots of the chocolates and eating them all at once, which got chocolate all over her face, dress, and fingers.
"Hey! Give me some!" Mary said.
"Go ask Hansel and Gretel for the leftover candies they have from the witch! These are yummy, so they're mine. Yum." Darla said, and stuffed more chocolate in her mouth.
"Ugh.." Mary said.
"Look! It's all over you!"
Darla looked at herself and yelped. "I look like I was playing in mud!" she said.
"I'm going to take a bath!" Darla said, ran back into the house, and ran into the bathroom. Then, she closed the door.
5 minutes later, Darla came back out to the backyard, all clean and with a new dress on that looked exactly like hers.
"Where did the chocolates go?" Darla asked Mary.
"You ate them all!" Mary said.
"No, you did!" Darla said, and threw herself on Mary. Laika decided to join in and landed on the girls.
"Ow!" Mary said.
Then, they kept playing, until Darla's friends came back from school.
When they did, Darla told Mary she was going to see them, and then ran to them. When she did, she saw that they were collapsed and groaning on the grass.
"I ate too much.." Grace groaned.
"That was A LOT of Fun Dip.. I see nothing but red, green, and blue puppies now.." Mabel said.
"I'm gonna explode.." Bubbles said.
Darla sat on the ground, staring at them.
Suddenly, a teenage couple walked by, which snapped everyone out of their 'being full' groaning.
"Here! Eat my chocolates!" The boyfriend said, and dropped a chocolate into the girlfriend's mouth.
"I feel like a princess!! You are the best boyfriend ever!!! Ha ha ha hahahah!!!!!!" The girlfriend giggled.
Everyone gasped.
"Boyfriends treat us like a princess?" Lola said.
"They're nice to us?" Bubbles said.
"Ooo.." Darla said.
"They can be the best!" Brianna said.
"They're always awesome!" Mabel said.
"I want a boyfriend now..!" Darla said.

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