Love Hunting

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A few minutes later, Lola came back with a girl with blonde pigtails tied with purple ribbons. She looked about 2 and a half years old.
"Who is she?" Brianna asked Lola.
"This is Angelica. She says she knows alot about love." Lola said.
"Yes, and I'm the savory of you! I'll be the one that gets you guys boyfriends in no time." Angelica said.
Grace ran up to her with a smile on her face.
"How old are you?" she asked Angelica.
"I'm two. I'll be three on March 12th." Angelica replied.
"Cool! For me, it's August!" Grace said.
"I'm three, but June only! Not now. I'm two, still." Paige said.
"Can we not talk about our ages? Come on! We'll let the boys know what ages we are!" Brianna said.
"Let's go!" Lola said, and everyone followed her out of town.
"Hey, Lola, where's Misfortune? Doesn't she want a boyfriend too?" Bubbles asked Lola, as they all were walking into a mall.
"Umm.. Eughh. She has a crush on a fox. We're trying to get boyfriends, not trying to woo wild animals!" Lola said.
"Oh.. Right.." Bubbles said.
"Come on, everyone! There's a bunch of boys here! Let's go up to.. Ooh! First, we should go on that bungee jump trampoline!" Mabel said. So, everyone walked over to the bungee jump trampoline.
It was a short line, so the girls had enough time.
"I call going first!" Mabel said. She took off her shoes, got herself on the trampoline and strapped the bungee straps on herself. They were very colorful.
Then, the staff pressed the button on the controller, which bloated the trampoline. Then, Mabel started jumping on the trampoline, and she did a flip. She went very high.
When her turn was over, the other girls went. Finally, it was Darla's turn. She took off her shoes, got on the trampoline, and the staff put the strap thingies on her.
Then, she jumped in the air. She was also jumping very high, and also did a flip. She was having fun and going really high, but suddenly she saw a boy with big dark blue eyes, messy blonde hair, and a dark blue shirt with a black stripe that matched his eyes. He sort of looked like Bubbles, and he was flying after Darla!
Then, he grabbed one of her bungee straps, which caused them to look at eachother face to face.
"Bye-bye!" he said to her, letting go of the straps which sent her flying away.
Bubbles gasped and flew quickly to Darla, about to catch her before she would fall. But the boy suddenly tackled Bubbles, stopping her from getting Darla.
Now, the boy and Bubbles were on the mall floor. Bubbles got up slowly, looked at boomer with a frown, and suddenly her eyes widened, but went back to normal as she smiled. Then, she tackled the boy with kisses.
"Don't worry Boomer, we'll be together forever! You don't need to prove yourself that you're a tough cookie to any of your brothers!" Bubbles said. Then, she dragged 'Boomer' all the way into the play area, where she was seducing him.
As Lola was looking for Darla, she suddenly had to go to the bathroom. So, she rushed to the bathroom as quickly as possible.
As she walked out, she suddenly bumped into a familiar blonde boy.
"Ow!" Lola said. Then, she looked up.
"Huh? Winston?" she said.
"Lola!" the boy said.
"Sorry, I'll help you up!" he then grabbed Lola by the hand and helped her up.
"Weird seeing you here, what a coincidence!" Lola said.
"Yeah! Also, i got your love letter from you. I just wanna say yes." Winston said.
Lola gasped in surprised.
"You mean it? You-" Lola said, but was interrupted by winston. "Come on, of course i mean it! Let's go in the play area." Winston said and held hands with Lola, as they went with eachother in the play area.
Meanwhile, with Darla, she was laying on the floor, feeling dizzy from hitting the ground.
Suddenly a brown haired boy gasped and ran over to her.
"D-Darla Dimple?" he said.

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