Valentine Carousel

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"Huh..?" Darla said.
"Darla Dimple! It's really you! I got your autograph! Remember?" the boy asked.
Then, Darla sitted up. "Yes! I do remember you! We had a picture! Wait, you didn't hear what i yelled out in the theatre, did you?" Darla said. "Huh? No, i don't remember you yelling anything out in the theatre! After the cats sang, there were so many lights and effects that it made me dizzy and faint. So i don't remember." the boy said. "Phew.." Darla muttered. "I'm Andrue." the boy said. "Oh.. Hi Andrue.. I'm Darley- i mean, Darla." Darla said.
"I already knew that..? But either way, nice to meet you." Andrue said.
"Oh, sorry.. I must be still dizzy from that fall. A jerk flung me off." Darla said.
"Oh. Wanna play with me? Let's go to the play area!" Andrue said.
"Sure, ok!" Darla said and went with Andrue to the play area.
Darla's friends gasped at her, as they saw that she found one.
"She got one.. She got one..!" Lola whispered to herself.
Then, Bubbles got an idea.
"Hey, why don't we all go on the carousel? Come on, let's go!" Bubbles said. Darla hesitated for a moment. "Andrue, do you wanna go?" she asked him.
"Sure! I love carousels!" he said.
So, Darla and Andrue went on the carousel.
However, the ones who didn't get a boyfriend, were sobbing, except for Mabel and Paige.
"It's okay. I'm loveable! I'll get a boyfriend another time. There's just lots of too young ones here. I'll find one soon!" Mabel said.
"Nooo! I want a boyfriend still!" Grace cried.
"Maybe when I 4 i can get one! Also, i also want a baby sibbing too." Paige said.
"Whyyyy.. WHYYYYYY!!!!" Angelica yelled out.
"Forever alone!" Brianna said.
Meanwhile, as everyone else went on rides, Darla and Andrue were still choosing.
"What's your favorite color?" Andrue asked Darla.
"Pink." Darla said.
"Okay, we'll go on the flamingo then." Andrue said, and got on the flamingo along with Darla.
Then, the carousel started.
Later, on the carousel, Andrue suddenly looked at Darla.
"Hey Darla.. Since we know eachother more now, guess what I'm gonna do now?" Andrue said.
"And what's that? Darla said.
Then, before she knew it, Andrue fastly kissed her, causing her eyes to widen with hearts in them, and she fell off of the flamingo. The moment she did, the ride stopped, and everyone who had a boyfriend cheered and danced around like crazy. Bubbles kissed Boomer lots of times, Lola did a big long kiss on Winston, and after everyone got off of the carousel and walked out of the mall back to their homes, everyone would greet them saying
'Happy Valentine's Day!'.

The end.

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