Summer Camp

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Izuku POV

I was on the bus and sitting with Kachaan and I noticed something was off about him for a while now his behavior has been very odd. "Kachaan," I said, getting his attention. I was about to again till I noticed he was asleep, "huh" I said looking at him. I blushed because I was staring and knew it was rude.

"What do you want, shitty nerd" he said and I was about to answer but noticed he was still asleep. That was all I heard he mumbled the rest and I was rather confused.

'Maybe just maybe was I right' I thought looking back at him then somewhere else. I closed my eyes and rested until we got there.


I was shaken waking me up and I felt me leaning on something and I was immediately embarrassed, "sorry about that" I said and stood up and walked outside.

"Ok we are here because you have to make it to the camp from here" he said and we were all shocked until the pussycats came out and explained and we fell. "Also Izuku" I looked up, "wait to use your quirk for training not safe" he said and I agreed.

Aizawa POV

Once they all left we started to walk to the main building, "EraserHead that boy why did you tell him he couldn't use his quirk yet" Tiger said and I looked worried if it was a good idea bringing him.

"His drawback could kill him. He is putting his life in danger every time that lighter he has is separated from him. He wants to be a hero so bad Endeavor himself helped edit his costume so he wouldn't flatline in battle" I said and they were all shocked. "It's like he is a campfire struggling to stay lit. Every time he uses his quirk it goes more until he eats more fire then it stays" I said. "Not to mention his most dangerous attack is breathing fire on both sides" I said and then mentioned all the things that happened during the class.

"Why is someone like that trying to become a hero?" Mandalay said.

"I don't think he said" I said and everyone was shocked I didn't ask.

When we got there we noticed a said person already there, "oh hi I just punched everything" he said and I sighed.

Izuku POV

I saw the look on their faces, 'he must have told them' I stood up. "I want to be a hero, they put their lives on the line and I'm even more at a risk. I want to be the first hero with the most powerful double edged sword quirk out there" I said and they noticed determination. I also noticed a boy with wide eyes. I then felt a little cold so I took out my lighter and ate some fire surprising the kid and he actually came up to me. "Oh hello" I said smiling.

"A double edge sword I heard you could die if you're not careful wouldn't be safer if you didn't" he said and I started to think.

"I think one of my favorite heroes besides All Might being number one is the worst known hero. But that is because some fire quirks are scary. For example under certain conditions I am not able to be burnt at all, fire has no effect on me except one" I stated and he was surprised.

Then ten minutes later everyone showed up and Kacchan came to check on me. He asked if I was ok and I said I was fine, 'I have a feeling what I will be training' I thought worried.

"Ok you guys can go bathe because hell will start tomorrow" he said and we said ok.

We got to the hot spring and I was relaxed until I saw Mineta, "I'll set you on fire unless you get down right now" I said and he froze. "Good now come down from there" I said and he got down thanks to the kid from before. When the girls thanked him he turned to say your welcome but he forgot they were naked so he fell back in surprise. I luckily caught him in time, "thanks kid I don't think I got your name" I asked and he said Kota. "Then thank you Kota" said smiling.

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